2006年5月7日沖縄生まれ、16歳。NHK高等学園 1年生
幼少の頃から沖縄の大自然に囲まれて育つ。漁師の祖父の影響で物心がつく前から海に飛び込み、アスリートの父の影響でSUPを始めた時期は記憶に無いほど、”海”は彼にとって欠かせないフィールド。将来はモロカイ世界チャンピオン、オリンピックで金メダルという夢を描きながら父の背中を追いかける。趣味は読書。得意な科目は図工と体育。小中一貫校、緑風学園時代には持久走大会では1年生から最終学年まで9連覇、小中最大の目標を達成し読書数は2000冊を越えた。今年春から高校進学。Shuri grew up surrounded by the great nature of Okinawa. He jumped into the ocean before he could remember because of his fisherman grandfather, and the time when he started SUP under the influence of his athlete father is an indispensable field for him. His future is Molokai World Champion, chasing his father's back as he paints his dream of a gold medal at the Olympics. His hobby is reading. His favorite subjects are arts and crafts and physical education. During his time at Ryokufu Gakuen, an integrated elementary and junior high school, he won nine straight victories in endurance races from the first year to the final year, achieving the biggest goal in elementary and middle school, and the number of books he had read exceeded 2,000. He will start high school this spring.
photo : Euro Tour
荒木珠里メルマガvol.37 2022/6/10「ヨーロッパ遠征」 から引用
Hello everyone. I'm Shuri Araki. My father and I went on an expedition to Europe and Spain for the first time in our lives from May 30th to June 6th. This "World Sup Festival" is the biggest one of the "Euro Tour" tournaments, and also the most competitive race in the world in this year which means that this race is the top of the world in 2022!! The atmosphere and audience were great. It was a very good experience for me to be able to race among the best of the world athletes. This competition has a 15km long distance race with choppy water and a 1km technical/sprint race. The distance race starts on an island about 7km away from the continent, goes around the island and returns to the beach. It was a ocean race. So, of course, I challenged myself to win, but I ended up in 5th place. I'm happy that I was able to get on the podium, so I'm satisfied with the result, but on the other hand, I regretted how I raced especially for the last half.
It was my first visit Europe and never experienced this race course(view), I couldn't navigate well and took a different course from the front pac and paddled almost by myself at last half. I learned that in a distance race, the course I take is very important and has a big impact on the results. Last year's ICF world champion and my future rival, Noic, followed Michael Booth, who has been the world champion for six years in a row, to the end, overtaking Michael in the last 300 meters before the finish line to win. I didn't see the goal scene, but my father was there, so it was a huge dead heat. At the Carolina Cup two years ago, and at the previous Carolina Cup, I was also in the race for the lead, but this time I ended up being more than two minutes behind the lead. I couldn't make use of the wind wave line that I imagined. And in a big ocean area, the disadvantage of being away from the group. The power and technic of Noic and Michael and Titouan. The experience I felt while watching close their backs was unforgettable. I think I still have a lot to learn. The technical race was held the next day, and I managed to finish in 3rd place. It was good that I was able to finish on the podium, but there were things that I needed to improve, such as the buoy turn, and how to navigate with choppy mess water.
今回のスペイン遠征は、世界一流の選手たちが集まった中、色々反省点が見つかり、まだまだやるべきことがあると感じました。また、今までアメリカやオーストラリアに遠征を繰り返してきたのですが、今回初めて訪れたスペインには、同年代も含め、小中学生のSUP指導のレベルの高さに本当に驚きました。おそらくスペインは今世界で最もSUPレースが広がり、真剣に教育されている国だとお父さんも驚いていました。そして何よりも、今回の旅でヨーロッパに友達の輪が一気に広がったことはとても嬉しかったです。目標に向かって切磋琢磨できる仲間との出会いは、レースの経験と同じくらい価値があると思います。During this trip to Spain, the world's top players gathered, and I found many things to reflect on, and I felt that we as a Japanese still have a lot to do. Also, until now, I have traveled to the United States and Australia repeatedly, but when I visited Spain for the first time, I was really surprised by the high level of SUP instruction for elementary and junior high school students, including those of my age. My father was surprised and said that Spain is probably the country with the most SUP races in the world and the most serious about their education. Above all, I was very happy that my circle of friends spread all over Europe on this trip. Meeting friends who can work hard towards their goals is just as valuable as the experience of racing.
paddling. 荒木珠里
And the next world match is finally the opening match of the APP World Tour. It will be held in Santa Monica, USA on June 24-25. The downwind (long-distance) race, which I am good at, and the
surf and technical (short-distance) race, where I hit the waves head-on and break through, and I will compete for the overall ranking that combines the points of both. Taking advantage of what we
learned in Spain this time, we will aim for even higher rankings! ! Currently, I am concentrating on crowdfunding for the APP World Tour. This crowdfunding is of course important to support money, but how much can it spread? So it's very
important. The key to success is to share it with as many people as possible. I grew up watching my father, who always pushed forward with unprecedented challenges in Japan. I don't know
that this crowdfund will succeed at all, and if you ask me if I'm confident, I'm not. But looking back on the many challenges I've faced in the deep open ocean, even if I fail this time, I won't
die. So I decided to take the first step. I'm sure other people will look at our challenge and do crowdfunding in the same way, but my father says, "The determination of a pioneer is different in
any era," and I completely agree. I believe that taking on the risk of failure is a meaningful challenge. I would like to ask for your cooperation and support. Thank you so much for reading this.
keep paddling. Shrimpy
special thanks for ; Parres WaterSports Santa Pola
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