2006年5月7日沖縄生まれ、16歳。NHK高等学園 1年生
幼少の頃から沖縄の大自然に囲まれて育つ。漁師の祖父の影響で物心がつく前から海に飛び込み、アスリートの父の影響でSUPを始めた時期は記憶に無いほど、”海”は彼にとって欠かせないフィールド。将来はモロカイ世界チャンピオン、オリンピックで金メダルという夢を描きながら父の背中を追いかける。趣味は読書。得意な科目は図工と体育。小中一貫校、緑風学園時代には持久走大会では1年生から最終学年まで9連覇、小中最大の目標を達成し読書数は2000冊を越えた。今年春から高校進学。Shuri grew up surrounded by the great nature of Okinawa. He jumped into the ocean before he could remember because of his fisherman grandfather, and the time when he started SUP under the influence of his athlete father is an indispensable field for him. His future is Molokai World Champion, chasing his father's back as he paints his dream of a gold medal at the Olympics. His hobby is reading. His favorite subjects are arts and crafts and physical education. During his time at Ryokufu Gakuen, an integrated elementary and junior high school, he won nine straight victories in endurance races from the first year to the final year, achieving the biggest goal in elementary and middle school, and the number of books he had read exceeded 2,000. He will start high school this spring.
photo : Laura Salmon Glantz
荒木珠里メルマガvol.29 2021/11/13 カロライナCUP) から引用
みなさん、こんにちは。荒木珠里です。今日は僕の16才の誕生日です。 さて、僕とお父さんは、4月25日から、5月2日までアメリカ・ノースカロライナ州に行ってきました。そこで去年11月にも出た「カロライナカップ」に出場してきました。今年は去年の11月とは変わってAPPワールドツアーの位置付けから抜け、これまで通り一つ 独立した大会として開催されました。
hello everyone. I'm Shuri Araki. Today is my 16th birthday. My father and I went to North Carolina, USA from April 25th to May 2nd. So I participated in the "Carolina Cup" that came out in November last year. Unlike last November, this year's event was no longer part of the APP World Tour and was held as an independent event.
Last year I was able to finish 4th in the long distance race, 6th in the short technical race, and 3rd overall. This year's race was the same as last year, with a long distance race "GRAVEYARD race (22km)" and a technical sprint race. The course of the distance race consisted of the first 5km of sea, then 12km of flat water canal, and the last 5km of sea was the finish line. Last year, due to a storm, the course was suddenly changed on the morning of the race, and it was all held on a canal. This year's Carolina Cup had two special players who didn't make it last year. One is SUP world champion Michael Booth (AUS), who has won numerous world championships over the past six years, and the other is 2 gold medals at the ICF World Championships last September at the young age of 19. Noik Garrieu (New Caledonia, France). Noik and I are also friends with our fathers, and we have deepened our friendship as a family. Competing with these two was the primary purpose of my trip to the United States.
This time, unlike last time, I stayed at a hotel that was right in front of the race venue. This hotel is also one of the sponsors of the "Carolina Cup", and the players are provided with a breakfast service, so the coach's father doesn't have to cook early in the morning, but instead shoots and edits my videos and posts them on SNS. I was able to use my time very effectively because I was able to work to upload it. It was very helpful for me to be able to practice right in front of me. The distance race started at 9:40 in the morning, so I woke up at 6:00, did a little run on the beach, woke up, had breakfast at 7:00, and went to the beach at 8:40, one hour before the race started. I was ready to go.
The coach said, ``Don't leave the first group until you enter the canal. Drafting until the end and conserving physical strength as much as possible." And finally the race start. With the words of my father, my coach, in my heart, I started with the determination to bring out all the results of my practice. (My father got ahead of the race course on a rented bicycle and gave me live and advice. I think everyone saw the live on Facebook, but it was a really amazing and interesting live.)
長距離レースもスタートはとても大事です。胸は緊張でいっぱいでしたが、丁寧に丁寧にと自分に言い聞かせ、トップから遅れずにスタートすることができました。最初の海のレグ、早速僕、マイケル、ノイック、ダニー・チン、タイ・ジャクソンの5人が第一集団で固まりました。その時は全員まだまだ体力があったので後ろの選手たちを離していくためにピッチを上げたまま進んでいきました。そこで僕は前の選手の引き波に乗りながら必死についていきました。ようやく海から運河へ入るところの河口まで来ました。その時間は引き潮で海に向かって潮が流れており、その時僕はノイックと2人で左内側コースを通っていき、その逆流する潮に逆らって漕ぐ状態になってしまいました。他の3人は右から少し大回り気味で進んでいきました。その3人の中のダニー・チンは地形や潮の流れを知り尽くしており潮流が弱い外側をあえて遠回りしていたのです。そこでその1つの失敗を犯してしまい5-6M離されてしまった僕とノイックは、前の3人に追いつこうと必死でした。後からお父さんから聞いた話によるとその時前の3人は僕たちを離そうとしてスピードを上げたみたいでした。それでも僕はトップに食らいつかないと今日のレースは終わってしまうことがわかっていたので、どんなに苦しくても絶対について行こうと思い力を振り絞りました。そのおかげでノイックと僕は3人に追いつくことができました。それでもまだまだレースは10km以上残っています。そこからはどれだけ前の選手の引き波に乗って体力温存できるかにかかってきます。しっかりボードの特性を生かして第1集団について行きました。 Starting a long-distance race is very important. My heart was full of tension, but I told myself to be polite and polite, and I was able to start from the top without delay. On the first leg of the sea, me, Michael, Noic, Danny Chin, and Ty Jackson immediately formed the first group. At that time, we all had a lot of physical strength, so we kept the pitch up in order to keep the players behind us away. So I followed the leader using the small bumps. At last we came to the river mouth where the canal entered from the sea. At that time, the tide was flowing toward the sea. The other three went from the right. Danny Chin, one of the three, knew the geography well, and took outside course where the tide was weak. I made that one mistake and fell 5-6M away, and I and Noic were desperate to catch up with the three in front of us. According to what I heard from my father later, at that time, the top three paddlers seemed to speed up to separate us. Even so, I knew that today's race would be over if I didn't get to the top, so I mustered my strength to keep up, no matter how hard it was. Thanks to that, Noic and I were able to catch up with the three of them. We still have over 10km left to race. From there, it depends on how much you can ride the bumps and preserve your physical strength. I took board(Carolina) advantage and followed the first group.
それを知ったマイケルやノイック、タイ、ダニーは声を掛け合いながら交代交代で先頭を引っ張っていました。その光景はいつも僕が陸から見て「いつかこの人たちと戦い たい。」と憧れていた光景でした。その夢のような景色を目の前で見ることができ、「今この人たちと戦ってるんだ。」と感動していました。
そして10kmの平水も終わりに近づき運河の出口が見えてきました。運河の出口に来た時、ダニーは右の方に開き、インコースにタイ、マイケル、僕、ノイックの順に並んでいました。しかし、その時ノイックのスピードがガクンと落ち、後ろに離れてしまいました。後から聞いた話によると、その時ノイックの体が痙攣したそうでした。海へと出る時、お父さんが自転車から降りて走って先頭集団のすぐ側まで来てく れ、砂浜から「タイは海が得意だから油断するな!冷静に!」とアドバイスしてくれました。
2022 Carolina Cup / 2017 Pacific Paddle Games
On the way, many boats passed through the canal, and the current was very difficult. I was on ocean board, so it was fine, but the paddlers who were using a flat water board looked very
tough. And little by little, it leads to exhaustion of physical strength. Thanks to the hard time I had at the entrance of the canal, I was able to easily surf bumps behind leaders and
conserve my strength. There, I had time to look behind and knew that the second group was approaching little by little. Knowing this, Michael, Noic, Tai, and Danny called out to each other and
took turns leading the way. That scene was always something I was dreaming, "I want to race with these top paddlers someday." I was able to see the dream-like scenery in front of me, and I
was moved, saying, "I'm fighting these people right now." And the 10km flat water ended and we approached the exit of the canal. When I got to the canal exit, Danny was on the right side,
with Ty, Michael, me and Noic was inside. But then Noic slowed down. I later heard that Noic's body was cramped. When we were heading out to ocean, my father got off the bike and ran to the side
of the leading group. From the beach, he advised me, "Ty is good at the ocean, so don't let your guard down! Stay calm!''
After 10km of flat water, when I finally reached the ocean, which is my specialty, there was less wind than I expected and the waves were smaller than I expected. At that point, I should have
followed those two, but I ended up behind Thailand. Both my father and I expected wind&waves, but in fact there were hardly any waves and we couldn't keep up with Michael and Danny. (They are
very strong paddlers and on the flat water boards.) Even if the board was unfavorable, there should have been a good chance of winning if I had started sprint before anyone else
immediately after going out to ocean. This is my biggest mistake. I learned another lesson. 1st place went to Michael Booth and 2nd place went to Danny Chin (USA) who won last November. I
was able to compete in the first group until the end while there were many top players in the world in the second group. And I was happy that I was able to finish in 3rd place, one place higher
than last year. More than anything, it was a great experience to be able to compete with the champions, Michael and others, whom I have admired and dreamed about since I was little.
In the technical race on the second day, I could use of my balance, which I had been training in the rough ocean in Okinawa, and ability to use his whole body to balance, and won the qualifying and semi-finals, and made it to the finals. I was able to finish in 4th place. This time, I was able to finish 3rd in the distance race and 4th in the technical sprint race, overcoming the difference in physique. Compared to last time, there were many difficult moments in the race, but I was able to keep going until the very end, so I think I was able to get this result.From now on, I will do my best in practice so that I can race more strong and challenge to world class top paddlers around the world. Lastly, We had to pay a lot for the trip. We are able to travel because of my supporters. Thank you so much for each and every one of our supporters.
いよいよ今年も来月からAPPワールドツアーが始まります。昨年はコロナで11月のカロリナCUP一回のみで終わってしまいましたが、今年はコロナも落ち着いたことから年間5~7戦が計画され、アメリカ、韓国、イギリス、中東といよいよ世界転戦です。僕は昨年史上最年少15才でAPPに選出され、今日16才になったのですが出場選手の中で最年少は変わりません。そして日本人、しかも子供の体格は不利だと言われ続けてきましたが、今回のカロライナCUPで僕の体でも十分に世界王者に通用することが証明できたので、自信を持ってワールドツアーにチャレンジできます。各ラウンドごとにポイントを加算し年間のシリーズチャンピオンを競いますが、果たして日本人の僕がどこまでランキングを上げられるのか?本当に楽しみです。どこまでシリーズチャンピオンに近づけるか?そして5年後に期待されているロサンゼルス・オリンピックで金メダルを狙って行くために実戦の経験を積みたいと思います。The APP World Tour will finally start next month again this year. Last year, due to COVID-19, the Karolina Cup was held only once in November, but this year, as the coronavirus has settled down, 5 to 7 races are planned, including the United States, South Korea, the United Kingdom, and the Middle East. Last year, I was the youngest player to be selected for APP at the age of 15, and I turned 16 today, but I am still the youngest among the participating players. I have been told that my physique is disadvantageous for Japanese people, especially for children, but this Carolina CUP proved that my physique is enough to be able to challenge to world class athletes and champions, so I feel confident in my world tour. I can challenge this!! Points are added in each round to compete for the annual series champion. I'm really looking forward to it. How close can I get to the series champion? And I would like to gain experience in actual competition so that I can aim for the gold medal at the Los Angeles Olympics, which is expected five years from now.
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