Keep paddling project第26章

Graduation Ceremony


2006年5月7日沖縄生まれ、18歳。NHK高等学園 3年生


Shuri grew up surrounded by the great nature of Okinawa. He jumped into the ocean before he could remember because of his fisherman grandfather, and the time when he started SUP under the influence of his athlete father is an indispensable field for him. He paints his dream of a gold medal at the Olympics. His hobby is reading. His favorite subjects are arts and crafts and physical education. During his time at Ryokufu Gakuen, an integrated elementary and junior high school, he won nine straight victories in endurance races from the first year to the final year, achieving the biggest goal in elementary and middle school, and the number of books he had read exceeded 2,000. After entering high school, he began his professional career, and during his three years at high school he won the World Championship three times in a row, eventually becoming the unified champion of the four major world organizations.


みなさん、こんにちは。荒木珠里です。沖縄ではすこしずつ気温が暖かくなってきて、だんだんと春の訪れを感じながら、日々妹と一緒に毎日練習に取り組んでいますが、皆さんはいかがお過ごしでしょうか。 さて、一年で最も海が荒れる1~2月は毎日強風と大波の中でお父さんの指導のもと、僕と妹とお父さんの3人4脚の厳しいトレーニングが続きました。春からはEuro Tourが始まります。それに向けこの冬の時期にしかできない大荒れの外洋トレーニングを僕は小学生の頃からずっと続けています。現在世界中の(日本、そして沖縄に住む)SUP選手は海が荒れると安全な湾や川で練習をしています。ここまで荒れた海で練習を重ねるパドラーは、広い世界を見ても僕たちだけかもしれません。時にはクジラやサメなど危険な場面ももちろんあります。でもお父さんは自然を味方に付ける飛び抜けた能力があります。これまで長年の経験で、その日の最善の海流や進路を見抜いて、危険を最大限に回避しながらトレーニングメニューを組み立てます。「野生の勘と素早い身のこなし、そしてどんな事態にも対応できる能力が重要だ。」そして「我々人間は、自然の恐怖から目を背けず、ありのままに受け入れることが必要だ。」と、いつも僕たちに教えてくれます。僕はこの指導方法があったから、今誰も真似ができない高度で繊細な技術が身に付きましたし、小学5年の妹も毎日凄いスピードで上達しています。そしてこの冬は海外からも僕たち合宿に参加して、父からコーチングを受けたいという選手たちが来るようになりました。これからどんどん海外や県外から沖縄へSUP選手たちが来て全員でレベルアップしていけたらどんなに素晴らしいことかと思います。

Hello everyone. This is Shuri Araki. The temperature is gradually getting warmer in Okinawa, and I am training every day with my sister as I feel the coming of spring. How is everyone doing? 
Now, in January and February, when the ocean is the roughest of the year, my father, my sister and I continued to do rigorous training in the four-legged race under the guidance of my father in strong winds and big waves every day. The Euro Tour starts in the spring. In preparation for that, I have been doing open sea training in rough seas that can only be done in the winter since I was in elementary school.

Most Japanese SUP athletes practice on flat water in safe bays and rivers when ocean gets rough.(even paddlers in Okinawa) I think we are the only SUP paddlers, and even in the whole world, who train in such rough ocean. Of course, there are also dangerous situations such as whales and sharks. But my father, with his many years of experience, always find the best water currents and training course for the day, and create the best training idea while avoiding danger at most. He always teaches us that the most important thing is to develop wild instincts and to be able to adapt and act quickly. And we humans need to accept nature as it is, without turning away from its fears. With his teaching method, I have acquired advanced and delicate techniques that no one else can imitate easily, and my younger sister, who is in fifth grade, is also improving at an incredible speed every day.

And this winter, athletes from overseas have started coming to join our training camp and want to taught by my father. I think it would be wonderful if more and more SUP athletes from overseas and outside the island came to our island, and we could all improve our level together.



It is March now. The cold is slowly disappearing, and getting warmer day by day. Yesterday was my high school graduation ceremony. Thinking back, three years ago, I enrolled in an online high school called NHK High School to concentrate on SUP. And I think I've grown a lot through countless valuable experiences while traveling to various countries. Very importantly, I always had my father/trainer by my side anywhere, anytime. Because we have always been one in spirit, we have been able to continue taking on endless challenges toward the same goal.

When I was a first-year high school student, I started participating in the big stage "APP World Tour" where many legends were competing. My father and I raised over 4.5 million yen through crowdfunding and took on a financially and physically difficult challenge, traveling 5 countries over a year. I was able to win for the first time in the final round of APP tour, Spain, and I became the runner-up in the 2022 annual ranking, the best ever for a Japanese SUP athlete. At the ISA World Championships held in Puerto Rico in the fall of the same year, I was able to win two gold medals at the age of 16, the youngest in ISA history, despite being surrounded by the world best players. Moreover, it was the first time for a Japanese SUP paddler to win the ISA. I started a YouTube channel in my second year of high school. (Thank you to the 710 people who have subscribed to my channel so far!) In June, we traveled to Germany for the first time for the Euro Tour, where I came in second behind Michael Booth, who was the undisputed champion in long distance races at the time, and he is forever my legend. In the following July, at the APP World Tour in Portugal, I battled against the legendary Connor Baxter, whom I admired so much, and won the overall. My best memory from my second year of high school was winning the ISA World Championships in France for the second year in a row. I and my father were able to prove that even a physically disadvantaged high school student like me can conquer the world. We could prove who I really am, and where I came from.



The last three years of my high school life were the most intense and hardest years of my life. In the spring, I participated in the World Euro Tour for the first time, staying in Europe for a month and traveling around. I became the youngest annual grand champion in the history of the Euro Tour at 17-18 years old. (And it seems that it was the first time that a person won all four races.) I also won the overall championship at the APP World Tour in Korea in the fall. I became the annual world champion in 2024 and was able to conquer the three major world organizations.

Furthermore, at the ICF World Championships in the United States in November, I won the 11km long distance race. I was the youngest ICF winner at 18 years old. The ICF was held in an artificial canoe stadium, which does not have the waves or wind that I am good at. I don't think there were many people who thought I could win in such flat water, but my father and I still believed in our training methods and kept paddling. And we proved that we were not wrong. I have won many gold medals until today, but the most satisfying victory was this ICF. With this victory, we have achieved our long-held dream of unifying the four major world organizations (ISA/ICF/APP World Tour/Euro Tour).

I would not have been able to have these 3years experiences without the support of many supporters, sponsors, friends and family. Thank you very much. Now my next goal is finally the "Olympic" stage. I have always said, "I want to be an athlete who can handle any condition." And I have been working hard since day1, and I'll keep doing the same from now to the future. Whether there is wind or waves or not, I can now clearly imagine the vision of winning a gold medal at the 2032 Brisbane Olympics. (If SUP becomes an Olympic sport)

Now that I have reached a major turning point in my life, I will work hard to reach even greater heights as a member of society. In order to graduate from high school, I had to submit a lot of documents, and I am truly grateful to my teachers and classmates who supported me until the very last moment. I am truly grateful. 


Finally, an event announcement. Okinawa has the earliest beach season in Japan, starting in mid-March. Aiming to popularize SUP, my family will be holding an event called the "O2Y Winter Race" on Saturday, March 22nd. Last year, we held the event in January, but this year, we thought it would be better to hold it in the warmer season, so we decided to hold it in the spring. The venue will be the beautiful beach right in front of my house.

O2Yの略は「Okinawa 2 Yanbaru」という意味で僕たちの暮らす”山原(ヤンバル)”の素晴らしい海や自然を使ったスポーツイベントです。お父さんは僕が小学2年生の時から毎年KANAKA沖縄のSUPレースを手作りで開催してきて、僕も小さい頃から選手として出場して先輩たちの背中を必死に追いかけてきました。今年で11年目になるこのイベントは、今はO2Yという名前になってより多くの参加者が集まるようになりました。毎年2回、冬と夏に開催をしていますが夏・サマーはOkinawa 2 Yoron、沖縄から与論島までの深い海を海峡縦断するイベントです。ウインターはそのための選手選考会にもなっています。昨年は沖縄県内に加え、日本各地から、そして台湾からも10名の選手たちが集まってくれました。これまで僕たちの活動を見てきた海外選手たち特に中国や台湾、香港など、アジア各国から今年は30名以上の選手が集ります。しかも下は小学生から上は一般のエリート選手まで幅広い年齢層のパドラーたちが集まります。嬉しいことに、今年はなんと台湾からSUP部活を作りたいと考えている小学校の先生が、沢山の生徒を引率してきます。SUPもいよいよそこまでのスポーツになってきたのだと感激しています。妹を始め日本、そして沖縄の子供たちが更にやる気になってくれたらうれしいです。これまでは僕とお父さんが沖縄から世界へと挑戦してきました。それはこれからも変わらないことですが、これからは世界から沖縄へ多くのSUPパドラーたちがやってくる時代になります。

O2Y stands for "Okinawa 2 Yanbaru" and is a sports event that uses the wonderful ocean and nature of "Yanbaru" where we live.My father has been holding this Kanaka Okinawa SUP race every year since I was in the second grade of elementary school, and I have participated since the first race, working hard to follow in the footsteps of my predecessors. This event, which is now in its 11th year, has now been renamed O2Y and has attracted more participants. It is held twice a year, in winter and summer. Summer is “Okinawa 2 Yoron”, an event that crosses the deep ocean channel from Okinawa to Yoron Island.

Last year, 10 players from Taiwan gathered in O2Y winter event. This year, more than 30 athletes from Asian countries such as China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, as well as athletes of a wide range of ages from elementary school students to top athletes, will be visiting Okinawa. What's great is that this year, an elementary school teacher from Taiwan who wants to start a SUP club will be bringing many students. I'm thrilled that SUP has finally become such a popular sport. I hope that my sister and other children in Japan and Okinawa will become even more motivated.
Up until now, my father and I have been challenging the world from Okinawa. That hasn't changed, but from now on, many SUP paddlers from all over the world will come to Okinawa. The next era is finally beginning.

沖縄は美しい海に囲まれています。そして年間を通してとても暖かく、親子でSUPを楽しむには世界で最も適している場所の一つだと思います。いつかこの沖縄がSUPの聖地と呼ばれるような場所になり、多くの沖縄の人たちが海や自然と共に生きていける、そんな場所を守りながらSUPを普及していきたいです。そのためにも、まずはこの美しい沖縄の海をいつまでもそのままで残していく必要があります。僕たちはこのO2Yを開催するにあたって、なるべくエコで自然に優しいイベント作りに努めています。たとえば、イベントで使う音響設や、コーヒーメーカーなど諸々の電気はすべて電気自動車からの電力を使います。またイベント後はゴミを各自で持ち帰りビーチクリーンを行います。「来た時よりも美しく。」この手つかずの自然がこれ以上汚染されないようにします。また、このイベントは競技者だけではなく、SUPポロなど幅広い参加者が参加できますから初心者の方も大歓迎ですし、皆さんに綺麗な海を丸一日楽しんでもらいたいです。SUPポロとは3人1チームでボールをゴールに入れる海上のサッカーゲームで、昨年もたくさんの初心者の親子が盛り上がりました。今月の沖縄はとても暖かく、海に飛び込んでもまったく寒くありませんので、是非後援会の皆さんもO2Ywinterへ遊びに来てください。 (会場は小さな集落ですので指定の駐車場から徒歩で海まで来てもらいます。詳しくはHPをご覧ください)

Okinawa is surrounded by beautiful oceans. It's also warm throughout the year, so I think it's one of the best places in the world for parents and children to enjoy SUP together. I hope that one day Okinawa will become a place known as a sacred place for SUP, where many Okinawans can live with the ocean and nature, and I want to popularize SUP while protecting this beautiful place. To do that, we first need to preserve the beautiful ocean of Okinawa as it is. In hosting O2Y, we strive to make the event as eco-friendly and environmentally friendly as possible. For example, all the electricity used for the event, such as the sound equipment and coffee makers, will be powered by electric vehicles. After the event, we will take all the trash home and clean up the beach. "Leave it cleaner than when you arrived." We will not leave any trash behind and prevent this untouched nature from being polluted any further.

Furthermore, this event is not just for competitive athletes, but will have a wider range of participants, including SUP polo games, so SUP biginners are very wellcome and we hope everyone enjoy the day. ”SUP polo" is like a soccer game on the water in which teams of three people try to score goals with the ball, and last year many parents and children had a great time. It's very warm in Okinawa this month, so even if you jump into the ocean it's not cold, so we encourage everyone to enjoy and have a great time together. (The venue is a small village, so you will need to walk from the designated parking lot to the ocean. See the website for more details.)



I am involved in this event both as a competitor and as a member of the organizers. While aiming to be the world's best, I feel it is my mission to contribute to the local ocean through O2Y events and to convey the joy of the ocean to children.

As a staff member, I feel a sense of responsibility involved in the operation. Knowing the hardships faced by those who support the event makes me feel even more grateful as an athlete when I take on the race. There is still a lot of preparation to be done, but I will do my best to make it the best event possible. Please look forward to March 22nd!!


keep paddling. 荒木珠里 
