2006年5月7日沖縄生まれ、18歳。NHK高等学園 3年生
幼少の頃から沖縄の大自然に囲まれて育つ。漁師の祖父の影響で物心がつく前から海に飛び込み、アスリートの父の影響でSUPを始めた時期は記憶に無いほど、”海”は彼にとって欠かせないフィールド。将来はオリンピックで金メダルという夢を描きながら父の背中を追いかける。趣味は読書。得意な科目は図工と体育。小中一貫校、緑風学園時代には持久走大会では1年生から最終学年まで9連覇、小中最大の目標を達成し読書数は2000冊を越えた。高校進学しプロの道を歩き始める。Shuri grew up surrounded by the great nature of Okinawa. He jumped into the ocean before he could remember because of his fisherman grandfather, and the time when he started SUP under the influence of his athlete father is an indispensable field for him. He paints his dream of a gold medal at the Olympics. His hobby is reading. His favorite subjects are arts and crafts and physical education. During his time at Ryokufu Gakuen, an integrated elementary and junior high school, he won nine straight victories in endurance races from the first year to the final year, achieving the biggest goal in elementary and middle school, and the number of books he had read exceeded 2,000. He started high school and professional career.
荒木珠里メルマガvol69.(2024年5月17日) から引用
皆さん、こんばんは。荒木珠里です。O2Yが終わってもお父さんは休む暇もなく、カメラマンさんと一緒に何時間も編集作業を行い、昨日、ついに沖縄与論海峡縦断SUPレース「O2Y」 Summer 2024のオフィシャルPVがYouTubeにて、公開されました。そして空撮スペシャリストの琢磨さん、川上さんのビデオも同時公開されましたので是非ご覧ください。本物の海や自然、そして人間の魅力を感じられると思います。それだけでもお仕事を少し休憩して観る価値は十分あると思います。
Good evening everyone. This is Shrimpy. Thank you for checking my blog everytime!! Even after O2Y ended, my dad had no time to rest, and worked for hours with the cameraman on editing, and finally yesterday, the official PV for the Okinawa Yoron island crossing 0km downwind SUP Race "O2Y Summer 2024” was released on YouTube. At the same time, videos of aerial photography specialists Mr. Takuma and Mr. Kawakami were also released. Please take a look when you have chance. It is so worth to stop your work for a moment, and feel the real ocean.
これまでお父さんは何度も沖縄の島々を一人で渡ってきました。時には生まれ故郷の九州そして愛知万博までも人力航海をしたそうです。そしてこれまで10数年に渡ってKANAKA沖縄外洋SUPレースを開催してきました。僕は小学4年生の時から初めて外洋レースに挑戦し始め、お父さんと先輩たちの背中を必死に追いかけながら、この島の深い海で育ってきました。それが2021年に念願の沖縄と与論島の間のO2Y海峡縦断レースを実現することができて、2度目となる今年のレースでは、さらに海外のトップ選手たちが集まり国際大会になりました。My father has paddled crossed many times in between islands of Okinawa and Yoron, and many more islands in between Okinawa-Kyushu(where he was born. it’s about 700km starch). For over 10 years, my family has been holding the KANAKA Okinawa Open Ocean SUP Race on the main island of Okinawa. I first started participating in the KANAKA Okinawa race when I was in the fourth grade of elementary school, and I grew up in the deep open ocean, desperately chasing after my father and my seniors. In 2021, KANAKA Okinawa was able to finally started long-cherished dream of running the O2Y, island crossing downwind race between Okinawa and Yoron Island, and this year's race, the second one, has become an international competition, welcoming top athletes from overseas.
かつて、沖縄と与論島の間には国境があり、2022年に沖縄本土復帰50周年という節目を迎えました。僕は小学2年生の頃から10年間ずっとタフで深い外洋の海での練習を続けてメンタルと技術を磨いてきました。そして小学6年生の時、初めてお父さんと奄美大島から沖縄の自宅までの240kmの海を島々をつたいながら冒険し、その時に初めて沖縄と与論島の間の海峡を渡りました。それからはハワイの海峡横断にチャレンジしたり、毎年夏の季節風で沖縄から与論島まで渡り、沖縄の壮大で豊かな海の素晴らしさを肌で感じ、その島々で出会う人々との縁が増え、深くなることに感動を感じました。There used to be a border between Okinawa and Yoron Island, and in 2022 we will reach the milestone of the 50th anniversary of Okinawa's return to the mainland. I started paddling in tough deep open ocean when I was 7, and I have developed my open ocean paddling skills for 10 years. When I was 11(in the sixth grade of elementary school), I went on an adventure for the first time, crossing the islands of the 240km ocean from Amami Oshima to my home in Okinawa, and that was the first time I visited Yoron Island. Since then, I have crossed from Okinawa to Yoron Island many times for practice. Each time I went there I felt the beauty of the ocean and was moved by the deepening bonds I formed with the people I met on the island.
音楽:KEEP PADDLING (2022 O2Y応援ソング)
performed by Half Moon・Words & Music 琢磨仁
音楽:翔け勇士 (2021 O2Yオフィシャルソング)
performed by かりゆしバンド・Words & Music 田畑哲彦
My dad always tells me, "Our ancestors crossed the ocean by themselves, relying on the wind and waves, without using engines. We can create a modern SUP race called "O2Y" to connect islands, people, and the past and present."
He boarded the Hawaiian voyage canoe project "Hokule'a" as a crew member, and it took six months to navigate the ocean from Hawaii to Japan using the stars, sun, and moon. He has participated in the Hawaiian strait crossing race "M2O" 35 times, the most of any Japanese person, and dreamed of one day creating a real ocean downwind race in Japan. So O2Y was made a reality after many years of challenges and a lot of hard work. I've been able to use the power of the ocean that I've developed since I was a child to become the world SUP champion. I've been able to use the power of the ocean that I've cultivated since I was a child to become the world champion in SUP. And then, people around the world started to take notice of the Okinawa’s ocean, where I grew up, and athletes from overseas began to gather in Okinawa, and finally this year, O2Y became an international competition.(the Hokule'a voyage record was broadcast on Nihon TV 2 years ago.)
SUP is becoming so popular around the world that it is said to become an Olympic sport in the future. And I have a big dream of winning a gold medal at the Olympics. Just as strong as that feeling is, I also want to protect Okinawa's beautiful and rich nature. I think that anyone who watches this video will be impressed by the beauty of the nature and want to cherish it. Through O2Y, we will deliver the beauty of Okinawa's nature, the majestic mountain ranges, and the mysterious charm of the deep, black, crystal clear open ocean to the world. And I hope that the children of the island, the children of Japan, and the children of the world who are always close to this blessed environment will develop a sense of cherishing nature.
I think O2Y is the best SUP event in the world. It's not just a race to compete for speed and ranking, but it's also a race where people from all over the world can enjoy the race and realize the value of the island's natural beauty. Next year, there will be more and more overseas athletes who want to experience the beautiful open ocean, and the event will become even more exciting. This time, my father gave a speech on behalf of the governor, but next year I would like the governor of Okinawa to actually visit the starting point of the race and feel just how blessed this island is, surrounded by the great nature. I would also like him to be more proactive in educating young people using Okinawa's oceans. If local children show more love for such a beautiful ocean, the whole region will also cherish nature. Furthermore, environmentally conscious tourists from all over the world will come to visit. "From Okinawa to the world, and from the world to Okinawa" I will continue to challenge myself to become a true world champion.
Finally, I would like to once again thank all the volunteer staff at KANAKA Okinawa for their cooperation in this O2Y, who always support us in making the event. Without them, O2Y would not have
been possible. We would like to thank all the fishermen who have provided us with great cooperation, all the event sponsors who have always supported us, all the photographers who have taken
wonderful videos and photos, all the athletes who have crossed the ocean with us, and most of all, Thank you very much to my father who made this wonderful O2Y dream stage a reality. I am really
looking forward to O2Y next year and in the future. I will do my best as both a player and an organizer to make it even more exciting!!
keep paddling.®︎ 荒木珠里