2006年5月7日沖縄生まれ、17歳。NHK高等学園 2年生
幼少の頃から沖縄の大自然に囲まれて育つ。漁師の祖父の影響で物心がつく前から海に飛び込み、アスリートの父の影響でSUPを始めた時期は記憶に無いほど、”海”は彼にとって欠かせないフィールド。将来はオリンピックで金メダルという夢を描きながら父の背中を追いかける。趣味は読書。得意な科目は図工と体育。小中一貫校、緑風学園時代には持久走大会では1年生から最終学年まで9連覇、小中最大の目標を達成し読書数は2000冊を越えた。高校進学しプロの道を歩き始める。Shuri grew up surrounded by the great nature of Okinawa. He jumped into the ocean before he could remember because of his fisherman grandfather, and the time when he started SUP under the influence of his athlete father is an indispensable field for him. He paints his dream of a gold medal at the Olympics. His hobby is reading. His favorite subjects are arts and crafts and physical education. During his time at Ryokufu Gakuen, an integrated elementary and junior high school, he won nine straight victories in endurance races from the first year to the final year, achieving the biggest goal in elementary and middle school, and the number of books he had read exceeded 2,000. He started high school and professional career.
荒木珠里メルマガvol62.(2023年12月26日)「2023を振り返って」 から引用
今回の旅は、広島から始まり、熊本、山梨、東京を回りました。本当はもっともっと沢山の全国の皆さんの所へ挨拶に行きたいのですがどうしても時間が足りず申し訳ありませんでした。直接顔をあわせることができなかった後援会の皆さんにも、このメルマガを通してお礼をお伝えしたいと思います。まず広島では、先月から新しくスポンサー契約させていただいたマツダ自動車の本社を訪問させて頂き金メダルの報告をしました。マツダの皆さんにはとても暖かく迎え入れて頂き、僕と同じようにマツダの実業団に所属しているバレーボール、ラグビー、トライアスロンのアスリートの方々とも初対面できて感激しました。そのあとミュージアムも案内して頂きました。マツダ自動車は1931年にクルマ作りをスタートし第二次世界大戦時代、1945年には広島に投下された原子爆弾によりたくさんの社員を失ってしまいました。しかしそれでも諦めず、誰も進まなかった道をあえて選び、不撓不屈の精神でロータリーエンジンを代表とする多くの発明で現在に至ることを初めて知ることができました。ミュージアムに掲げられていた「飽くなき挑戦」という言葉は、僕がお父さんから受け継いだ一家の座右の銘「keep paddling.®︎ = 嵐に背を向けずに漕ぎ続ける。」と同じ意味でした。そんなマツダの皆さんに応援して頂き本当に光栄です。僕もこれからもどんな困難や失敗にもめげる事なく、絶対に諦めずに目標に向かって頑張っていきます。暖かく迎えてくださった、藤家さん、谷本さん、浜口さん、倉谷さん、松村さん、竹本さん、森口さん、植月さん、そしてアスリートのみなさん本当にありがとうございました。
Hello everyone. This is Shuri Araki. After successfully completing all the races this year, I was able to go to my sponsors with my medals to express my gratitude and my aspirations for next year. This trip started in Hiroshima and went to Kumamoto, Yamanashi, and Tokyo. Actually, I would like to go and say hello to more and more people all over the country, but I am sorry that I don't have enough time. Through this e-mail newsletter, I would like to express my gratitude to all the supporters who I was unable to meet in person. First, in Hiroshima, we visited the headquarters of Mazda Motors, with whom we have a new sponsorship contract starting this year, and reported on the gold medal. Everyone at Mazda welcomed me very warmly, and I was thrilled to meet for the first time the volleyball, rugby, and triathlon athletes who, like me, belong to Mazda's corporate teams.
Afterwards, we were given a tour of the museum. Mazda Motors started making cars in 1931, and lost many employees in 1945 when the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima during World War II. However, they did not give up, chose a path no one had taken before, and with their unyielding spirit of never giving in, I was able to learn for the first time that they have led to the present day with many inventions, including the rotary engine. The words ”Continuous Challenge” displayed in the museum have the same meaning as the motto of our family, which I inherited from my father, “keep paddling.®︎” I am truly honored to receive such support from Mazda. I will continue to work hard towards my goal and never give up, no matter how difficult it may be. Thank you very much to Fujiie-san, Tanimoto-san, Hamaguchi-san, Kuratani-san, Matsumura-san, Takemoto-san, Moriguchi-san, Uetsuki-san, and all the athletes for their warm welcome.
翌日は同じく広島のMAZIC ISLANDさんと世界選手権報告会を行いました。MAZIC ISLANDさんは僕が小学生6年生(12才)のときに奄美大島から沖縄本島の自宅まで約200kmの外洋をお父さんと一緒に二週間かけてSUPで渡った冬季エクスペディションの旅の報告会を開催させてもらった思い出の場所です。約4年ぶりの再会になり、50人近い参加者が会場に集まって頂きました。皆さん川や海が大好きでやる気溢れる人達ばかりで楽しい雰囲気の中、僕自身も自分のレースを客観的に振り返って見ることができました。質疑応答では深い質問が多く、僕のように波風が得意になるにはどういう練習をしたらいいのか?という質問がありました。
また西川さんから10月に広島で開催されたRiverDoの報告もありました。大都会の中でも気軽に川に出入りできる雁木(がんぎ)がある広島の川文化はSUPを気軽に楽しめる本当に素晴らしい環境だと関心しました。是非お近くの方は広島の川でインフレータブルSUPを片手に遊びに行ってみてください。広島のみなさんも是非僕たちKANAKA沖縄のレースへチャレンジしていただけたら、もっと上達すると思いますのでいつか遊びにきてほしいです。MAZIC ISLANDはじめ広島報告会に集まっていただいた皆さん、会場で記念Tシャツを購入していただいた皆さん、楽しい時間を本当にありがとうございました。
The next day, we held a World Championship debriefing session with MAZIC ISLAND, also from Hiroshima. 5years ago when I was in the 6th grade (12 years old), MAGIC ISLAND held a report session after our winter expedition trip that I challenged with my father on a SUP for two weeks across the open ocean from Amami-Oshima island to our home of Okinawa island, there are 4 islands in between and stretched for about 200km ocean. This is a place where I have fond memories of holding the event. It was our first reunion in about four years, and nearly 50 participants gathered at the venue. Everyone was very motivated and loved rivers and the sea, so I was able to look back on my own race objectively in a fun atmosphere. During the Q&A session, there were many deep questions, including, “What kind of practice should I do to become good at waves and wind?” Since I was in the second grade of elementary school, my father took me out to the open rough ocean of Okinawa. I have also been competing in the KANAKA Okinawa open ocean SUP race event, which my family has been steadily running for the last 10 years, every year since I was in 4th grade. I was able to get stronger by following my father and many other adult paddlers, trying not to lose the sight of their backs between the moving open ocean waves. Now, when the wind and waves pick up, I have been able to develop the strength to compete with top-class athletes from overseas, and even on flat water with no wind swells, I am able to paddle with high precision and high pace so that I can compete with elite adult paddlers in terms of speed. Mr. Nishikawa from Magicisland also reported on the RiverDo sup race event held in Hiroshima in October. I was interested in Hiroshima's river culture, where there are stairs called "Gangi" that allow you to easily go in and out of the river, and that it is a truly wonderful environment where you can easily enjoy SUP even in the big city. If you are in the area, please come and have fun with an inflatable SUP on the river in Hiroshima. I think everyone in Hiroshima will be able to improve even more if they try our KANAKA Okinawa race, so I hope they can come and visit us someday. We would like to thank everyone who met MAZIC ISLAND and others at the Hiroshima report meeting, and everyone who purchased commemorative T-shirts at the venue, for a great time.
その後新幹線に乗って熊本へ、そして山梨、東京を回りスポンサーの方々や後援会の方達へ挨拶に行きました。熊本は毎年一回、多い時は2-3回大きな出来事のたびにお墓参りに行っています。今回もご先祖にメダルの報告をすることができて心がスーッと落ち着きました。そして阿蘇の麓にある株式会社エコファクトリーへ。雨水から純水を作る「ecowin water」という凄い発明をされた村上社長へご挨拶。そして山梨では100%ココナツからつくった人と海に優しい洗剤「NANOTOP」を販売する株式会社ワールドブレインズ依田社長へご挨拶しました。そして小さい頃から家族付き合いしてもらっている若尾一家と若尾会計事務所の皆さんの忘年会に合流させていただき沢山の方々と交流できて嬉しかったです。
東京では常々僕たちにアドバイスをいただける中野さんへ、とても参考になる勉強をさせていただきました。そして僕とお父さん親子二世代に渡り「LIFE GUARD」ブランドでスポンサーしていただいている株式会社イングラム加藤さん、青山さん、斎江さん、内村さん、最後にJAL日本航空本社を訪問して河端さん、重松さんへ今期のご協力へ感謝の気持ちを伝えることができました。
After that, I took the Bulltrain to Kumamoto, then went to Yamanashi and Tokyo to greet the sponsors and supporter groups. My family always goes to Kumamoto once a year, sometimes two or three times, to visit graves every time a big event occurs, and this time I was able to report the medal to my ancestors, which made my heart feel calm. Then we headed to Eco Factory Co., Ltd., located at the foot of beautiful Mt. Aso. Greetings to President Murakami, who has made an amazing invention called “Ecowin- Water” which creates pure water from rain. In Yamanashi, we greeted Mr.Yoda, president of World Brains Co., Ltd., which sells “NANOTOP”, a detergent that is made by 100% coconut oil, and super friendly to nature and humans. I was also so happy to be able to join the year-end party of the Wakao family and everyone at Wakao Accounting Office, who have been friends with my family since I was a baby, and to interact with so many people. In Tokyo, we greeted Mr. Nakano, who always gives us advice. Also, Mr. Kato, Mr. Aoyama, Mr. Saie, and Mr. Uchimura, Ingram Co., Ltd., who have sponsored us under the "LIFEGUARD" brand from my father's generation to myself, for two generations. Finally, we visited the JAL Japan Airlines headquarters and was able to express my gratitude to Mr. Kawabata and Mr. Shigematsu for their cooperation. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule at the end of the year in December, and as thank you so much for looking at the many race photos that my father has printed out, I will keep in mind the many opinions and advice we received from each of you. I would like to express my gratitude to my ancestors who have always watched over me, and whether I win or lose, I will continue to do my best with a humble and grateful heart. I'm really thankful to you.
今年一年を終え、APPワールドツアーやEUROツアー、そしてISA(国際サーフィン連盟)・ICF(国際カヌー連盟)と、ヨーロッパ4往復と最後はアジアのタイ往復。本当に忙しいシーズンでした。ISAでは長距離と中距離の二種目二冠を二連覇達成することができました。長距離ディスタンスでは後半に差し掛かるところ、風が10メートルオーバーまで上がり、波をどんどん掴んで一気に先頭を走り抜くことができました。結果的に二位の選手に約2分の差をつけることができました。テクニカルレースでは、波が崩れる中、高い技術が求められるブイターンで、僕がこれまで時間をかけて磨き上げた技「両足利き/スイッチスタンス」の技術で先頭を抜き去ることができました。いずれも去年プエルトリコの初優勝と比べて、2位以下を大きく離して二連覇、そして二冠達成することができて良かったです。そして今回はサポーターの皆さんのお陰で家族全員でフランスへ旅することができてより万全なサポート体制のもとで大会に挑めました。現在「Shrimpy 世界二連覇、二冠記念Tシャツ」をアマゾンから販売されていますので、もし宜しければご購入ください。そして「The surf news」に報告記事が掲載されていますのでご覧ください。
After completing this year, I have participated in the APP World Tour, EURO Tour, ISA (International Surfing Federation), ICF (International Canoeing Federation), 4 round trips to Europe, and 4 round trips to Thailand in Asia. It was a really busy season. At ISA, I was able to win two consecutive titles in two events: long distance and technical middle distance. In the long-distance race, the wind picked up more than 10 meters in the second half, and I was able to catch a lot of waves and win with a gap of nearly 2 minutes over second place. In the technical race, I was able to overtake the leaders using my unique technique of “switch stance buoy turn" in a turn that required a high level of skill as the waves were breaking. Compared to Puerto Rico's first victory last year, it was great to be able to achieve a second consecutive victory and a double crown, with a decent gap to the second place. I'd like to thank you to all the supporters that supported us by purchasing "Shrimpy's T-shirt", I was able to travel to France with my family and compete in the tournament with a much better support system. Amazon is currently selling the "Shrimpy World Champion Double Crown T-shirt", so I would be honored if you could purchase it if you would like.
波高がほとんど上がらなかったICFの長距離レースでは、15km、約1時間半先頭争いを繰り返しながら何度も勝負を仕掛けましたが、常時後ろで体力温存していたNoicの最後100Mラストスプリントについていけずに準優勝。頭脳戦もとても良い経験になりました。周りの評価ではほとんどの人たちが僕がまだ平水の長距離では最後までスピードについていけないと言われていましたが、波や風があるレースだけではなく平水でも先頭を狙えるスピードがあることを僕とお父さんはここで証明できたと思います。来年は頭脳戦でも勝利したいと思います。 一方でテクニカルレースはISA/5kmと比べ遥かに短い1kmというルール設定の「短距離テクニカル」でも僕の小さな体格で十分に戦えたので自信になりました。小学生の時からいつもレースでは年上の選手へ挑戦してきた僕ですが、ここ最近、身体の成長とともに体格の差で不利な要素はどんどん無くなっていることを実感します。ただ、決勝でパドルを落とすという大きなミスで8位という結果で終わってしまいとても残念でした。僕とお父さんはISAとICFの「二団体統一」というとても大きな目標を設定しています。来年はISAはデンマーク(9月末)そしてICFはアメリカ・フロリダ(11月末)で開催されます。もちろんそれぞれルールも、水面のコンディションも違います。しかし来年こそは必ず目標達成したいです。そして僕と同じように世界に向けてチャレンジを始めた小学4年生の妹と一緒に夢に向かいます。
In the ICF long-distance race, where the waves barely rose in height, I fought for the lead over and over again for about 1.5 hours over 15km, but I was unable to keep up with Noic, who was always conserving his strength in the back, in the final 100M sprint. Runner-up. The battle of brains was also a very good experience. Most of the people around me said that I still can't keep up with the speed on long distance races on flat water, but I can say that I have the speed to aim for the lead not only in races with waves and wind, but also on flat water. I think my dad and I were able to prove it this year. Next year, I want to win the battle of brains as well. On the other hand, the technical race had a much shorter rule of 1km compared to ISA/5km. Even in the ``ICF short-distance technical'' where explosive power is very important, I was able to compete well with my small physique. Since I was in elementary school, I have always challenged older athletes in races, but recently, as my body has grown, I have noticed that the disadvantages due to differences in physique have become less and less. However, I made a big mistake in the final by dropping my paddle, and ended up finishing in 8th place, which was very disappointing. My father and I have set a very big goal of “Unifying the two organizations, ISA and ICF title”. I definitely want to accomplish this next year. Also, my younger sister, who is in the fourth grade of elementary school and started taking on the world challenge just like me, is also working hard, so I would like to continue working hard together.
そして来年は、もう一つ大きな目標があります。7月末にハワイの約50km海峡横断レース「Molokai 2 Oahu(M2O)」に挑戦します。初めて出場したのは13才、中学1年生の時でした。お父さんと一緒にフォイルで出場、史上最年少の完漕でした。そして4年ぶりのモロカイチャレンジになります。モロカイチャレンジは海と自然と一体となったウォーターマン達が大勢集まります。お父さんは若い頃からウォーターマンと呼ばれる人間に憧れ、彼らに近づけるように20年ハワイへ通い36回も挑戦し続けました。僕は幼少時代から伴走船に乗ってお父さんを側で見守ってきました。そして僕もレースで速いだけではなく、海と一体となれるウォーターマンになりたいと思うようになりました。やっとこのレースに挑戦できると思うととてもワクワクしています。僕はモロカイレースではまだまだ知らないことばかりなので、お父さんに伴走船からアドバイスを貰いながら、大海原のレースに挑み、世界で最も厳しく権威のある大会と言われるM2Oで優勝を目指します。モロカイの1ヶ月前には、僕たち家族が主催する沖縄から与論島まで渡る「Okinawa 2 Yoron(O2Y)海峡縦断レース」が開催され、その選考会が来月僕の自宅の前で行われます。本番の海峡横断は6月末に行われます。海外選手たちも続々と出場したいという声が上がっています。これからどんどん外国人選手が沖縄に集まっていつかモロカイのように島から島へ渡る壮大なイベントへとなっていくでしょう。僕がこれまで渡ってきたこの島々の海に世界中の選手が集う光景がとても楽しみですし、僕も海外選手達を迎え撃つことで日本の子供達がそれぞれ大きな夢を見つけて、それに向かって困難に負けず進んでもらえたら嬉しいです。
Next year, I have another big goal. At the end of July, I will finally take on the challenge of the about 50km cross-strait race in Hawaii called Molokai 2 Oahu (M2O). The first time I competed was when I was 13 years old, I raced on a solo, sup foil with my dad and became the youngest person ever to complete. This will be my first sup Molokai challenge in four years. The Molokai Challenge attracts a large number of “watermen” My father admired people called watermen from a young age, and in order to become closer to them, he traveled to Hawaii for 20 years and tried 36 times channel crossing. Since I was a child, I have watched and cheered for him from the escort boat. And I started thinking that I wanted to not only be a fast racer, but also a “waterman" who could live and blend in with any ocean. M2O is said to be the toughest and most prestigious race in the world. I'm so excited to finally be able to take on this race. There's still a lot I don't know about deep Molokai channel, so I'm challenging it with my dad's advice from the escort boat. One month before Molokai, my family will host the “Okinawa 2 Yoron (O2Y) island crossing Race'' from Okinawa to Yoron Island, and the selection meeting will be held in front of my house next month. The actual cross-strait race will take place at the end of June. A growing number of overseas players have expressed their desire to participate. From now on, more and more foreign athletes will gather in Okinawa, and someday it will become a grand event where they travel&paddle from island to island. I'm really looking forward to seeing athletes from all over the world gather in the Okinawa islands that I've paddle crossed for a long time. I also welcome overseas athletes, and I hope that the children who watch this race will open their eyes to the world. I would be very happy if they could move forward towards their big dreams.
45 minutes, please take a slow look
メルマガはこれが今年最後になります。海外遠征の後は時差ぼけで苦しい中、必死でメルマガを書いてきました。お父さんはいつも文章構成や写真動画編集で僕の何倍も時間をかけて配信作業をしてくれています。これからもいつも応援していただいている皆さんに、少しでも早くレースの報告をしていくつもりです。後援会のみなさん、よろしければ是非引き続き更新の手続きをいただけましたら光栄です。会費は一口5,000円。同口座に振込確認ができたら会員更新とさせていただきます。少し手間をかけてしまいますがどうぞ来年もメルマガ購読していただけたら嬉しいです。(荒木珠里後援会HP: https://www.kanakaokinawa.org/shrimpy-s-blog/ )今年もとても濃い1年でした。海外に出ることで、本当に貴重な無限の経験を積むことができました。これも、いつも応援してくださっている後援会の皆さん、スポンサーの皆さん、お父さん、そして家族のおかげです。1年間本当にありがとうございました。これからも沖縄から世界の舞台へ、夢に向かって真っ直ぐに漕ぎつづけます。これからも引き続き皆さんの応援よろしくお願いします。それでは改めてみなさま良い年末をお過ごしください。ありがとうございました!!!
keep paddling. 荒木珠里
This will be the last email newsletter for this year. After my overseas trip, I was suffering from jet lag, but I desperately wrote an e-mail newsletter. My father always spends many times more time than I do on the content, composing sentences and editing photos and videos. I will continue to report on the race as soon as possible to everyone who has always supported me. Dear supporters, I would be honored if you would please continue the renewal process. The membership fee is 5,000 yen. Once we have confirmed the transfer to the same account, we will renew your membership. Although it will take some time, we hope that you will continue to subscribe to our e-mail newsletter next year. (Shrimpy's supporters club: https://www.kanakaokinawa.org/shrimpy-s-blog/) This year was also a very intense season. By going out into the world, I was able to gain endless and truly valuable experiences. I think it's all thanks to all the supporters who always support us. Thank you so much for all sponsors, fathers, and family members. We will continue to challenge another steps from Okinawa to the world stage, and keep paddling towards a big dream. We appreciate your continued support. Once again, I hope everyone has a great end of the year. Thank you very much.
keep paddling.
Shuri "Shrimpy" Araki