Keep paddling project第17章



2006年5月7日沖縄生まれ、17歳。NHK高等学園 2年生


幼少の頃から沖縄の大自然に囲まれて育つ。漁師の祖父の影響で物心がつく前から海に飛び込み、アスリートの父の影響でSUPを始めた時期は記憶に無いほど、”海”は彼にとって欠かせないフィールド。将来はモロカイ世界チャンピオン、オリンピックで金メダルという夢を描きながら父の背中を追いかける。趣味は読書。得意な科目は図工と体育。小中一貫校、緑風学園時代には持久走大会では1年生から最終学年まで9連覇、小中最大の目標を達成し読書数は2000冊を越えた。今春から高校進学しプロの道を歩き始める。Shuri grew up surrounded by the great nature of Okinawa. He jumped into the ocean before he could remember because of his fisherman grandfather, and the time when he started SUP under the influence of his athlete father is an indispensable field for him. His future is Molokai World Champion, chasing his father's back as he paints his dream of a gold medal at the Olympics. His hobby is reading. His favorite subjects are arts and crafts and physical education. During his time at Ryokufu Gakuen, an integrated elementary and junior high school, he won nine straight victories in endurance races from the first year to the final year, achieving the biggest goal in elementary and middle school, and the number of books he had read exceeded 2,000. He started high school and professional career in this spring.


荒木珠里メルマガvol.55.(2023年7月4日)「ポルトガル遠征を前に」 から一部引用 

写真協力:Euro Tour


先週末6月24日にEuroTour最大のレース「SUP Race Festival Scharbeutz」に出場しました。間にインターバル30分を挟んで2kmを2レースした合計のタイムを争うという形式でした。結果は総合で準優勝でした。優勝を狙っていましたが色々なハプニングがあり結果的には準優勝、練習の成果は80%くらい出せたかと思います。しかし優勝するためにはまだ課題は残っているので満足はしていません。


hello everyone. I'm Juri Araki. After returning to Okinawa from Germany, I finally got over the jet lag. When I came back, it was midsummer in Okinawa. I'm starting to practice with a change of mind for the next race while keeping the heat off so I don't get tired. The race in Germany was a race that competed for the total time of two 2km races with an interval of 30 minutes in between. The result was the runner-up overall. I was aiming for the championship, but there were various incidents and as a result I ended up in 2nd place. I think the result of practice is about 80%. We still have a lot of work to do to win the championship, so I'm not satisfied. In the first race, there was a big upheaval in which all of the drivers who were following the lead group made mistakes on the course. After going around the first buoy from the start, I was in the 3rd and 4th positions and was too focused on following the rider in front of me. I didn't realize that the lead rider had overlooked the second buoy and was heading for the third buoy. And only one person, Michael, went on the right course and ran alone to the goal. I was able to catch up from 10th to 2nd, but as a result, I was one minute behind Michael. Then the second race continued with an interval of 30 minutes. I made up my mind and was able to pull the lead, but I couldn't get a one-minute lead over Michael and ended up in second place.


新聞記事はアルバムから見ることができます ↓
新聞記事はアルバムから見ることができます ↓

Reflection point of the first race, When heading from the 1st buoy to the 2nd buoy, too many beachgoers and small buoys overlapped, making it difficult to see with paddler's eye. The first race of the day was women's, but at this time, the people who were still on the beach were just watching from the sandy beach without knowing the course. But when the next men's first race started, people rushed into the sea to watch the race as close as possible. Immediately after the turmoil in the men's race, in the next women's second race, the staff restricted the number of spectators so that the buoys could be clearly seen. After the race, there were several players who said that the management of the course was a problem. The organizer asserted that it was a game of navigation, including all uncertainties. I could agree with that. I don't think I would have made this mistake if I had taken a broader view and looked around calmly. I will keep this in mind so that I won't make the same mistake again in the future. If you haven't seen the details of the race yet, I've posted the entire process from start to finish on my YouTube, so please take a look.

今回は年間で7戦開催されているユーロツアーの中で最もランクの高い6STARのイベントで世界中からトップ選手が集結していました。結果は優勝できず悔しいですが、小さな島、そして小さな国から広い世界に出て、これだけの強豪にもまれないと出来ない経験なので、今回ドイツのレースに出ることが出来て本当に良かったと思います。そして、この価値の高い経験をできたのは、後援会の皆さん、スポンサーの皆さんの応援のおかげです。いつもありがとうございます。また、今回も、ドイツで毎日食事を作ってくれたり、マッサージをしてくれたり、 YouTubeの撮影から編集までなど、ぎっくり腰で腰が痛い中でもたくさんサポートしてくれたお父さん、ありがとうございました。またボードを運んでくれたユニオンパドラーズのアンドリュー(元カヌー競技の世界選手権金メダリストの彼のプロジェクトの内容はYoutubeで詳しく本人に説明してもらっています)ユーロツアー主催者の方々、そして一緒に戦ってくれた選手のみんなにも感謝したいと思います。
This time, top players from all over the world gathered at the 6STAR event, which is the highest ranked event in the Euro Tour, which is held seven times a year. It's little disappointing that I didn't win the championship, but I was able to gain valuable experience while playing against such high-level paddlers. I'm really glad that I was able to go out from a small island and a small country to the big world and participate in the 6 star Euro Tour race. This valuable experience was made possible thanks to the support of our supporters and sponsors. I am always grateful for your help. Also, this time, I would like to thank my father who cooked me meals every day in Germany, gave me a massage, and supported me a lot, from filming to editing YouTube, even though he had pain due to strained back. I would also like to thank Andrew Kaytor from the Union Paddlers who carried the board all the way to Scharbeutz, Germany(He explains his project in detail on my YouTube in the first half, so please take a look), Belar Diaz from Euro Tour, and all the paddler friends. 

union paddlers
union paddlers

ドイツの振り返りはこの辺で、次は早速7月15/16日にAPP第2戦、VIANA OPEN(ポルトガル)が迫っています。真夏の灼熱がつづく沖縄に戻った僕は毎年夏に吹く季節風、カーチーバイ(夏至南風)で与論島までの海峡を渡る実戦訓練を行いました。そのために一旦帰国したと言っても過言ではありません。隣に陸が見える海で単純に風上から風下へと下る「ダウンウインド」ではなく、目指す島を失ったら陸に帰ることができない本物の外洋練習はとても難しく、過酷です。僕は小学6年生の頃からお父さんに連れられてこの南西諸島を行ったり来たりするトレーニングを重ねてきましたが、今年の夏もその大きな、大きな壁を乗り越え、そしてポルトガルのワールドツアーへやって来ました。ポルトガルのレースは、土曜日がスプリントレース、日曜日が僕の得意な、A地点からB地点まで風に押されながら波に乗ってゴールを競うダウンウィンドレースになります。ポルトガルは海が沖縄のように荒れるコンディションになると聞いているので、とてもワクワクしています。ダウンウィンドでは、なるべくミスをせず、視野を広く保って、冷静にスマートにレースをすることを忘れずに優勝目指して頑張っていきます。またAPPワールドツアーは二日間の長距離と短距離の開催ですから、当然スプリント王者のコナー・バクスターも出場します。これまで7度王者にスプリントレースで負け続けていて、まだ1度も勝ったことはありません。でも毎回僕の体格も成長し確実に差が縮まってきていることは確信していますので、今回は本気で勝ちに行きます。前回のスペインのスプリントレースも振り返りながら、そのためのトレーニングをお父さんと二人三脚で取り組んできました。


Well, Germany's review is around here, and the next APP round 2 on July 15th/16th, Portugal is coming closer. In Okinawa, where the heat of midsummer continues, the training is difficult, harsh, and tough. The race in Portugal will be a sprint race on Saturday and a downwind race on Sunday, which is my specialty, riding waves while being pushed by the wind. I'm very excited because I've heard that Portugal will have rough ocean conditions like Okinawa. In the downwind race, I will try my best not to make mistakes, keep a wide field of view, and keep calm and smart in the race to win. Also, the APP World Tour will be a two-day long- and short-distance event, so I'm sure Conor Baxter, the sprint champion, will also be competing. I have lost to the champion seven times in sprint races, and have yet to win once. But I'm sure that my physique has grown each time and the gap is definitely getting smaller, so this time I'm going to go all out to win. Looking back on the last sprint race in Spain, I have been training for it with my father.

最後に皆様にお知らせがあります。ポルトガルの試合を終えて日本に帰ってきたら、お父さんはじめ後援会の仲間たちが7月25日(土曜日)に神奈川県葉山森戸海岸で報告会を計画してもらえることになりました。午前中はSUP遊びの体験会を行います。初心者でも自分のボードを持ってきていただけたら誰でも参加可能です。海のすぐ目の前にあるカフェ施設にはシャワーや更衣室、昼食スペースもあります。午後は海から上がってゆっくりと映像を見ながらレースの報告ができると思います。この会は応援していただける全ての方に日頃の感謝の気持ちを直接伝えられる大切な機会だと思っています。参加希望の方はKANAKA沖縄Facebookから直接DMをください。まだお会いしたことがない皆さんにも、そして昔からずっと僕を応援していただいている皆さんにもお会いできるのをとても楽しみにしています!!いよいよ今週末は、今年の前半戦最後の重要なレース。気を引き締めて頑張ります。みなさん応援よろしくお願いします!!そして月末の報告会で笑顔でお会いしましょう。keep paddling. 荒木珠里
I have some news for you here. After returning to Japan after the race in Portugal, my father and other members of the supporters' association planned a fun get-together on Saturday, July 25th at Morito Beach in Hayama, Kanagawa Prefecture. In the afternoon, I think I will be able to get out of the sea, take a shower, have lunch, and watch the video while reporting on the race. I think that this meeting is an important opportunity to directly convey my gratitude to everyone who supports me. This time, we aim to expand the circle, so we are also looking for general participants. If you would like to participate, please DM us directly from KANAKA Okinawa Facebook. I'm really looking forward to meeting everyone I haven't met yet, and everyone who has been supporting me for a long time. APP Round 2 Portugal is getting closer and closer. This month is the last important race in the first half of the year. Make every failure a plus and grow. Thank you so much for all your support. I look forward to seeing you with a smile at the end of the month. keep paddling.

Shuri Araki

