2006年5月7日沖縄生まれ、17歳。NHK高等学園 2年生
幼少の頃から沖縄の大自然に囲まれて育つ。漁師の祖父の影響で物心がつく前から海に飛び込み、アスリートの父の影響でSUPを始めた時期は記憶に無いほど、”海”は彼にとって欠かせないフィールド。将来はモロカイ世界チャンピオン、オリンピックで金メダルという夢を描きながら父の背中を追いかける。趣味は読書。得意な科目は図工と体育。小中一貫校、緑風学園時代には持久走大会では1年生から最終学年まで9連覇、小中最大の目標を達成し読書数は2000冊を越えた。今春から高校進学しプロの道を歩き始める。Shuri grew up surrounded by the great nature of Okinawa. He jumped into the ocean before he could remember because of his fisherman grandfather, and the time when he started SUP under the influence of his athlete father is an indispensable field for him. His future is Molokai World Champion, chasing his father's back as he paints his dream of a gold medal at the Olympics. His hobby is reading. His favorite subjects are arts and crafts and physical education. During his time at Ryokufu Gakuen, an integrated elementary and junior high school, he won nine straight victories in endurance races from the first year to the final year, achieving the biggest goal in elementary and middle school, and the number of books he had read exceeded 2,000. He started high school and professional career in this spring.
荒木珠里メルマガvol.52 「ISA日本代表選考レース」 (2023年5月26日)から引用
みなさん、こんにちは。荒木珠里です。先週末5月20-21日に日本サーフィン連盟主催のISA世界選手権・日本代表選考会が静岡県下田市で行われ、僕とお父さんは久しぶりに国内遠征へ出ました。二人が一緒に選手として遠征に出たのは3年前、コロナの時期に浜名湖で堀越さんが心意気で立ち上げたプロのSUPレースに出たとき以来でした。ISA国内予選会は昨年は6月末に行われ、その時はちょうど一週間前にスペイン(先月末僕が準優勝したWorld Sup Festival)がありPCR検査などドタバタしながら4日かけてスペインから南伊豆まで移動、疲労と時差ボケが苦しくてとても競技どころではありませんでした。特に2日目のテクニカルレースは荒波コンディションに合ったボードが準備できておらず、前日真夜中に神奈川のチームメンバーの畠山さんが熱海まで片道2時間かけてボードを運んでもらい、お父さんも熱海まで畠山さんからボードを受け取るためにレンタカーを走らせ、仮眠しながら南伊豆に戻ったのは朝方でした。そのお陰でレースは無事に出ることができて上位二人までがISAへの代表枠なのでぎりぎり世界選手権への切符を手に入れることができました。でも得意なサーフレースでしたが初めてのボードで何度も失敗してしまい悔しい内容でした。だから今年はしっかりと準備してディスタンス、テクニカルに加え、スプリントの3種目で優勝を狙いました。そして無事3レースとも後続にしっかりと差をつけて先頭でフィニッシュできました。
Hi, This is Shrimpy. Last weekend, May 20-21, the Japan Surfing Federation sponsored the ISA Japan representative selection race in Shimoda City, Shizuoka Prefecture. It was the first time in the last 3years, two of us race together, when we went to professional SUP race that Mr. Horikoshi set up at Lake Hamana during the coronavirus pandemic. We had same ISA Japan qualifier race at the end of June last year, and at that time there was just a week after Spain (World Sup Festival). Traveling from Spain to Minami-Izu for 4 days with a flurry of PCR tests, exhaustion and jet lag.. In the technical race on the second day, I didn’t have board for the surf race, so at midnight the day before, Mr. Hatakeyama, drove 2 hours one way to Atami to carry the rental board, and my father also went to Atami. It was early in the morning when my father returned to Minamiizu while taking a nap after driving a rent car to pick up board from Mr. Hatakeyama. Thanks to that, I was able to finish the race without any problems, and since the top two were qualified for the ISA, I was able to get a ticket to the World Championships. However, it was my favorite surf race, but it was frustrating because I failed many times with my first board. That's why this year I prepared well and aimed to win in three disciplines: distance, technical, and sprint. And I was able to finish in the lead in all 3 races with a clear gap to 2nd place.
初日の土曜14kmのディスタンスレースにお父さんも日本代表枠を目指して出場しました。スペインでは僕が使わなかった空きボードを使ってたまたまオープン部門に空きがあって出場したお父さんでしたが、今回は僕と同じエリートクラス。お互いライバルとして真剣勝負でした。コロナになってから自分のことは我慢してずっと僕のサポートに徹してくれていたお父さんにとって3年ぶりの公式戦でしたが、スペイン遠征の時に疲労でギックリ腰をしてしまい、動けないままに予選会に挑むこの二週間の姿を見て僕は相当気合が入りました。そして今年の選考会は「東伊豆チャレンジ -Ocean Paddling」という別のサーフスキーのイベントと共同開催でした。なんとその主催者の井藤さんは昔サーフスキーでお父さんとモロカイ海峡で競い合っていた方だと聞いてとても驚きました。僕は国内で外洋レースを実現できる人はお父さん以外には正直いないと思っていたのですが、井藤さんの経歴を聞いて納得しました。本当に強い想いを胸に秘めた方でないと沢山のリスクを背負う外洋レースを主催することはできません。そんな凄い人がレースを運営するのだから絶対に面白いことになると、スペインの帰路からずっとワクワクしていました。
On Saturday, the first day, my father also participated in the 14km distance race aiming for the Japanese national team. In Spain last month, he raced in the open division (SUP enthusiast division) using my spare board that I didn't use, but this time it was the same elite class as me, and it was a serious competition as rivals. It was the first official match in three years for my father, who had been patient with himself and devoted himself to supporting me. Even though my father had a stiff back in the Span race, I was very motivated to see him challenge this qualifier race for the last two weeks. This year's competition was co-hosted with another surf ski event called "Higashi Izu Challenge -Ocean Paddling”. I was very surprised to hear that the organizer, Mr. Ito, used to compete with my father in the Molokai crossing race.(my father used to be surfski paddler) To be honest, I thought that there was no one other than my father who could make deep open paddling race in Japan, but after hearing Mr. Ito's career, I was convinced. Unless you have a strong desire in your heart, you can't host an open ocean downwind race that carries a lot of risks. Since the race was run by such an amazing person, I was excited all the way back from Spain, knowing that it would definitely be fun time. The wind speed exceeded 15m on the day, and the waves were in the 3m class. Ever since I was in second grade(8years old), I have been out on the rough seas of Okinawa with my father, and have experienced emotions and fears that cannot be easily put into words. I couldn't stop getting goosebumps before and the during the race, the excitement never stopped. As a result, I finished far ahead of second place. My father barely missed one ticket left, and unfortunately, we were not able to carry the Japanese flag together, but father's face showed no regrets about missing Japan team, and he was happily talking about rough ocean with his surf ski friends. I wanted to make many friends who can enjoy the ocean together for more than 30 years like my fathers. Looking back my race, there was some mistakes for my navigation. My father had been watching me from behind throughout the race, analyzed my course and movements in the rough swells, and he pointed out a lot of things after the race. I was told that it would take more than 10 years to be able to navigate the ocean without any landmarks. It's my first time in Shimoda, but I can't make excuses. I will just keep practicing.
しかし、表彰式前に審判から1分ペナルティ加算で順位を二位に下げられてしまいました。審判が見せてくれた田口選手が書いたプロテスト用紙には「荒木選手から背後からわざとボードをぶつけられ転倒させられた。」と書かれてありビックリしました。そしてとても悔しいです。僕はわざと人にぶつけて勝負に勝つ気は一切ありませんし、そんなことに頼らなくても十分に勝負できますと反論しました。つい先月スペイン「World Sup Festival」でも長、短距離ともパフォーマンスの差は証明していますし、今回もスタートやブイ回航で転倒し、田口選手が十分にボードを乗りこなせていない様子がyoutube動画で分かると思います。転倒の原因は接触だけではなく、田口選手自身にもあるのではないかと僕は感じています。もちろん故意に衝突したというプロテストは認められず、接触したことだけに対するペナルティ1分が課せられました。今、世界のSUP界は様々な団体があって統一のルールがありません。SUPレースを経験している方ならば誰もが分かると思いますが競泳や陸上のようにセパレートレーンでない限りレース中にボードが接触してしまうことは仕方のない現状があります。ボードが進む時に引き波ができるのですがそれに乗る「ドラフティング」という高度な技術があります。今は前の選手が絶対有利のルールになっていますが、例えば今回のように前の選手が大きく蛇行すれば、後続の選手は尚更ぶつかり易くなります。ドラフティングする側に「前の人のボードを接触させてはいけない」というルールがあるのであれば、ドラフティングされる側にも「必要以上の蛇行運転はしてはいけない。」というルールがあることが公平だと思います。もしくは(これまで沢山練習を積んできたので難しい位置でのドラフティングが得意技の一つなのですが)ドラフティングは一切禁止というルールにするのも一つでしょう。でも以前トライアスロンの自転車のように統制がとれず逆に運営側を苦しませると思います。
The next day, Sunday, there were two events: technical (5-6km) and sprint (2-300m). Last year, I skipped the sprint because the three events were too much for my small body, but this year my physique has grown a little bit, so I decided to participate in all events to challenge Connor Baxter, the all time sprint world champion. This year the waves weren't as strong as last year, but the surf conditions were interesting with knee-waist size. I didn't rent the board and took the time to transport it from Okinawa. The beach start, surfing, and turn practice showed results, and the technical finished at the top. (leaving a bit of room for the final sprint) The beach start, surfing, and turns were all successful, and I finished the technical race at the top. (leaving a bit of room for the final sprint) However, after the final sprint event, just before the awards ceremony, the referee added a 1-minute penalty on my technical result, and dropped me to 2nd place. I was surprised to see that the protest form that the referee showed me said, "The board was purposely hit from behind and I was knocked over.” I countered that I had no intention of winning by hitting people on purpose, and that I could win without relying on such things. Just last month, I was able to prove that at the World Sup Festival, the world's largest SUP race in Spain. the youtube video clearly shows how he fell at the start and around the buoy turns, and was not able to fully ride the board. I feel that the cause of the fall is not only the contact, but also myself. Of course, the protest that it was intentional was not accepted, and only a 1minute penalty for bumping was imposed. (Obviously, if you hit someone intentionally, you will be disqualified.) As we can see by video, he fell from board many times during the race. I think the cause of the fall was something other than the contact. The SUP world is now mixed with various associations and there is no unified rule. As everyone knows, it is unavoidable that the board touches during the race unless it is a separate lane like swimming or track and field. There is technique called "drafting" to ride on someone’s wake. Under the current rules, the person who is paddling in the lead, has an absolute advantage. If the leading paddler makes a big twist and do meandering driving, it goes without saying that the paddlers behind are even more likely to hit or touch each other. If the drafting side has a rule that "Don't hit the board of the person in front of you", the drafted side also has a rule that "Do not meander more than necessary." I think this is fair. Or, since I've practiced a lot so far, drafting has become one of my specialties, but one way would be to make a rule that drafting is completely prohibited. I think that it will only make the management side suffer because there is no control like the old triathlon bicycle drafting regulation rule.
And this time there was an even more disappointing action.
Right after technical finish, Rai Taguchi, who finished in 2nd place, shouted at me and pushed me away,
in front of all the audience.
I think this is a problem on a different level than rules and regulations. A very important race that decides the representative of the country, as a Japanese
person, a humble attitude and courtesy are as important as victory or defeat. It is also written on the website of the sponsoring NSA (Japan Surfing Association).
are currently waiting for the official team announcement from the NSA, but I don't think the Japanese national team is saying, "It's good as long as the results are good, as long as it's fast."
It is absolutely unacceptable that many kid paddlers who dream of becoming world-class in the future should not imitate such behavior of athletes. I have a lot of elementary school younger
sisters and kids friends both in Japan and overseas who are doing their best because SUP is so much fun. In order not to make my younger sisters who
have a future feel like this, I would like to dare to record the facts, even if it is difficult to say or write.
Currently, the International Surfing Association (ISA) and the International Canoe Federation (ICF) are holding separate world championships, and the ISA, which has the Olympic rights, makes a buoy to paddle&turn around, but the ICF sprint has straight separate lanes like a swimming. SUP is a sport originally born from surfing, so it's natural to step behind the board and turn half-body, or hold the board in one hand and walk in&out from water. The ICF has eliminated 1) turn, 2) run /start, and 3) run/finish from short-sprint races, making it possible to completely avoid contact accidents. However, in technical and long-distance races, contact accidents still occur on a daily basis. My father says, "The SUP world is at the stage of becoming one for the Olympics, so it can't be helped that various things happen now.”
Also, I would like to take this opportunity to clarify something. I have participated in countless SUP races in Japan and overseas since the 2nd grade, but back then there weren't as many rules as there are now, and I have had the experience of being fouled several times. But when I was at fault, I apologized honestly and tried not to repeat the same mistake. During last year's World Tour in London, I was pushed out of the gate by a French player just before the goal. Of course the board hit hard. The organizer was announcing that it was an unavoidable situation. However, many players and people who were there told me, "That's a big foul." Connor, the world champion, approached me and told me this while I was enduring my frustration like swallowing a needle. "According to the current rules, if you're pushed, you have no choice but to push back. That's the reality. If you don't like that, paddle ahead." I was able to understand the current situation of SUP rules, and I felt a little easier.Only one week later, in the APP Korea final, I got so desperate that I stabbed the nose between the Italian Claudio’s legs and was given a penalty. I apologized to him immediately after the race. So now I've become good friend with him. And at the end of last month, in the sprint semi-finals in Spain, the board of the player behind me got stuck between my legs hard at the buoy and I almost fell, but I was able to calmly deal with it as it was expected. My board was badly damaged and I was a little shocked, but after the race he apologized and I became friends with him.
Through various experiences so far, I have become able to calmly race, assuming that I will be pushed or bumped into. Like Kai Lenny whom I admire and Messi of soccer. They don't fall over easily no matter how much it is pushed by a big player. They don't rely too much on strength, and balance ability allows them to keep a cool. It will take time, but I want to become that kind of special athlete someday. It's easy to blame others for my losses, but I learn nothing from it. It will take time, but I will endure the frustration, improve myself, and definitely go beyond my limit. Anyway, I want everyone to pay attention to the ISA World Championships. I'll put everything in a positive way, and I'll definitely break through.
テクニカルでは色々ありましたが、最後の種目スプリントへ僕は集中力を切らしませんでした。約100メートルのブイを往復するあっという間の全力疾走です。ボードを片手に全力で走るスタートは簡単に見えてとても難しいです。僕は外洋と同じくらい幼い頃から走り込みを重ね、左右・両手両足でFoilでもSUPでもスタートできるようになりました。その地道な練習の成果がようやく今回出せました。初めて国内スプリントレースでしかも余力を残して優勝することができました。次は世界です。先月スペインでは絶対王者コナーと将来のライバル、ノイックに敵いませんでしたが、今後何をどう鍛えればいいのか?修正すべきか?しっかりと分析できています。昨年のISA世界選手権2個の金メダルはもう忘れ、新鮮な気持ちで、強く前向きな姿勢で三種目の世界制覇に挑みます。There were various troubles in the technical race, but I concentrated on the final event, the sprint. It is a fast sprint that goes back and forth on a buoy of about 100+ meters. Holding a board in one hand and running with maximum speed might looks easy, but it's very difficult. I started running from a young age, just like open ocean downwind, I am now able to start with both left and right, both hands, both Foil and SUP. I was able to win the domestic sprint race for the first time and still have energy left. Next stage is the ISA world. Last month, I couldn't keep up with the absolute champion Connor and future rival Noic, but I was able to analyze it properly with my father. Forgetting the two gold medals at last year's ISA World Championships, I will challenge the gold medal of the three events with a fresh feeling. I will challenge myself with a strong and positive mind.
今回はディスタンス、テクニカル、スプリントと全て先頭でフィニッシュしましたが、結果は2種目制覇。一つは準優勝と、色んな感情に揺さぶられて良かったと思います。初日はダウンウインドで課題も得ました。何よりお父さんの同世代で頑張っている大先輩のパドラーたちに出会えたこと、お父さんと一緒に表彰台に立てたことが感動でした。そしてやはり国内外全てのレースに共通して言えることは、いつも練習しているそのままの状態でレースに出ることが大切だということを改めて感じています。いつも愛用しているボード、フィン、パドル、リーシュ。その全て揃えることができて初めてレースに100%で挑めるからです。4Mを越す大きなボードをフェリーに積み込んだり、レンタカーで何時間も運搬してくれる。海外でも何本もボードを買って綺麗に保管する計画を立ててくれる。僕が競技に集中できるそんな環境を整えてくれるお父さん。スペインで腰を痛め、時差ボケ、運転、そして代表選考レースにも出て疲れ果てているはずなのに、それでもいつも通りのコーチングやマッサージをしてくれて本当にありがとう。遠征のたびに留守番になってしまう二人の妹の練習をサポートしてくれるお母さんに改めて感謝です。そして多額の遠征費はスポンサーの皆さん、後援会の皆さんの暖かいご協力のお陰です。ボードの修理や運搬サポートをしていただいたTACK CANOE WORKSの大村君、畠山さん、わざわざ遠くから足を運んでいただいたカメラマンの琢磨さん、水谷さんありがとうございました。(チームメイトのリンも13歳で大人を相手に大活躍でした)
This time, I finished first in distance, technical, and sprint. However, I think it was really good that I was shaken by various emotions as the result was not the victory of the three events. On the first day, I learned again in the downwind. I am very happy that I was able to meet great senior paddlers who are doing their best in the same generation as my father, and that I was able to stand on the podium with my father for the first time in a long time. I learnt that it is very important to race in the same state as you have always practiced. My favorite board, fins and paddle. Only with all of these things can you challenge the race with 100%. My father transported many 4M boards by ferry from Okinawa, and drive rental car for hours. Even overseas, he makes a plan to buy a number of boards and store them safely. Thank you to my father who worked hard to create an environment where I could concentrate on the race. (coaching and massage as usual, even though you must be exhausted from jet lag, driving, and competing in the national selection race with me..) I am so grateful to my mother for supporting my two younger sisters in their practice every time we go away. Thank you so much for the generous cooperation of our sponsors and supporters' association, we were able to cover a large amount of travel expenses. Thank you for Mr. Omura and Mr. Hatakeyama of TACK CANOE WORKS who repaired the board and supported transportation, Mr. Takuma and Ms. Mizutani, photographers who traveled all the way to visit.(teammate Rin was also very active at the age of 13)
現在は次に控えた大きなチャレンジを控えしっかりと練習を重ねています。スペインWorld Sup Festivalに続くユーロツアー最高峰の6スターイベント「Sup race
festival SCHARBEUTZ」に世界の強豪が集結します。そして来月はポルトガル「APP World
paddling.®︎ 荒木珠里
I am practicing hard in preparation for the next big challenge. Following the World Sup Festival in Spain, the world's strongest players will gather at the
Euro Tour's highest peak 6-star event "Sup race festival SCHARBEUTZ". And next month is Portugal "APP World Tour Round 2". I think that SUP racing, where the rules are not fixed, is
interesting because you can set the course freely, but Germany has a lot of buoy turns, and super fast sprint technical of 2km*2sets. Of course, I'm
prepared for the the board will come into contact, and the nose will be stabbed between my legs. Portugal is perfect for downwind with the swells of the
Atlantic Ocean. I will challenge the real test at the world's highest peak, where the world champions, who I have admired and respected since I was a child, and the strongest players are crowded
together. What I have to concentrate on is to move forward one step at a time without rushing. Win or lose, I will continue to learn. Thank
you very much for your support. I would be happy if you could continue to watch over me warmly. thank you very much.