2006年5月7日沖縄生まれ、16歳。NHK高等学園 1年生
幼少の頃から沖縄の大自然に囲まれて育つ。漁師の祖父の影響で物心がつく前から海に飛び込み、アスリートの父の影響でSUPを始めた時期は記憶に無いほど、”海”は彼にとって欠かせないフィールド。将来はモロカイ世界チャンピオン、オリンピックで金メダルという夢を描きながら父の背中を追いかける。趣味は読書。得意な科目は図工と体育。小中一貫校、緑風学園時代には持久走大会では1年生から最終学年まで9連覇、小中最大の目標を達成し読書数は2000冊を越えた。今年春から高校進学。Shuri grew up surrounded by the great nature of Okinawa. He jumped into the ocean before he could remember because of his fisherman grandfather, and the time when he started SUP under the influence of his athlete father is an indispensable field for him. His future is Molokai World Champion, chasing his father's back as he paints his dream of a gold medal at the Olympics. His hobby is reading. His favorite subjects are arts and crafts and physical education. During his time at Ryokufu Gakuen, an integrated elementary and junior high school, he won nine straight victories in endurance races from the first year to the final year, achieving the biggest goal in elementary and middle school, and the number of books he had read exceeded 2,000. He will start high school this spring.
TBS『THE TIME』にて全国放送されました。(2022/11/11)
Hello everyone. I'm Juri Araki. My father and I went to San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA from October 24th to November 7th. There, I participated in a world competition sponsored by the ISA
(International Surfing Federation) and was able to win gold medals in both the middle-distance technical race (5km) and the long-distance technical race (18km). It is the first time in
history for men to win two events at the same time. And 16 years old is the youngest record ever. I was able to beat the world champions Michael Booth and Tituan Puyo, who I had never been able
to pass before, and my best friend and biggest rival Noic Garioud (19 years old) who is called the fastest young paddler in the world. I'm very happy.
5km Technical race, 2022 ISA World Championship
The 2nd and 3rd days of the competition, the technical race was held on a course with 3 laps of 5 buoys under my favorite conditions, where the waves broke and the wind blew. I was able to get into the lead group from the start, riding the wave with my rival Noick, and from there it became a one-on-one race with Noic. However, on the second lap, Noick lost his balance while riding a wave and fell into the water, leaving me in the lead. From there, I decided to run away alone in the lead, and I believed in the paddling I had practiced up to that point. On a difficult technical course like this one, being able to buoy turn while using both leg was a great advantage. And to be able to surf freely with both side. This is the result of practicing with foil regardless of the left or right leg since I was in elementary school. Many people say foils are not necessary for SUP, but that is not the case. By being able to switch stances freely in both foiling and SUP, I think I was able to train my core balance and win this technical. I think it was good that I took a detour instead of just practicing SUP because I wanted to be faster. (Since foiling is so much fun, I think it's a shortcut.)
The distance race on the 7th day of the tournament is a long distance course that will test your overall strength, just like the "Carolina Cup" that we participated in in April. It was a very long 14km distance race, physical challenge, and the temperature was close to 30 degrees, making it a very tough. I made a careful strategy and a race distribution plan with my father and challenged. This ISA World Championship had a large number of current world top paddlers, so everyone was super powerfull and high speed right after the start. I was almost overwhelmed by the excessive powers, but I tried my best to keep my composure. First of all, it was good that I was able to join the first group from the beginning, and I am very satisfied with that. I've been practicing quick and efficient movements that are as strong as my power, and I think I was able to show the results at the start. After that, when I went out to sea, the tailwind turned into a high-level downwind. Titouan and Noic from France are the best in the world in this condition. The two of them increased their speed at once with the momentum to separate the following and flew away. As you can see in the photo below, the wind was weak at 3-5M, and the conditions were difficult, and the heat was unusually hot, so I was desperate to catch up. At last month's APP London, I couldn't keep up with the lead and ended up with a disappointing result, so even if I fell down here, I was determined to keep up with Titouan. Distance race world champion Michael was there too. Just before entering the flat water area, Noik got sick and was delayed little by little. Titouan, myself, and Michael ran in the lead group.
There was a headwind in the flat water area, so it was a true paddling match, but I was able to run fast without slowing down, just like the image of the All Japan Championship, which I won completely in Kumamoto, Japan last month with a two-minute lead over 2nd place. Michael Booth of Australia has been the undefeated champion in flat water for the past 5-6 years, so I was able to observe various things right next to him, so I learned a lot of skills from Michael and Titouan even during the race. The flat water area continued for about 6km, and at the end we went out to sea again to reach the finish line. I challenged them in the last 2km of flat water before going out to ocean at the 4km flatwater mark, and I started 100% sprint till the end. When I went out to the ocean from lake, I was able to pull away and win the championship. I was very happy that I was able to win against Michael and Titouan, who I had never been able to beat before, and I was so happy to be able to in after long flat water paddling match. I want to become a paddler who can race even if there are winds and waves, even in flat water, without feeling weak. Awareness of weakness can only be overcome through daily training. Even at this distance race, there are still parts where I am not satisfied with my paddle performance, and I will definitely overcome them in future practice.
18km Distance race, 2022 ISA World Championship
今回の大会は6月に静岡県の南伊豆で行われた選考会を経て日本代表「teamJAPAN」の一人として出場しました。ISAはレース以外にサーフィン部門もあり日頃出会うチャンスが無いサーフ選手の先輩方、またプローンの選手方からもとても刺激をもらうことができました。国の威信をかけて戦うということは競技力だけでなく自国愛を胸に秘めた人間力も兼ね備えた、本当の意味で世界のトップ選手が集まります。レースのコースや内容もこれまで出場した海外レースの中で1・2番を争うくらいの難易度でした。ここまでのハイレベルなレースは(6月に僕が初出場し4位になった)スペインの”World SUP Festival”くらいだとコメンテーターが言っていました。僕はそれスペインのレース直後から4日間かけて南伊豆まで一気に移動し、時差ボケの中で日本代表選考会へ出場、本当に苦労しながら念願の日本代表枠を勝ち取りました。だから日の丸を背負うという大きな責任と覚悟を持ってプエルトリコへ乗り込みました。
This year's ISA trial race was held in Minamiizu, Shizuoka Prefecture in June, and I became one of the Japanese representatives "teamJAPAN". In addition to racing, ISA also has a surfing division, so I was able to get a lot of inspiration from surfers and prone paddlers who I don't have the chance to meet. Fighting for the prestige of the country attracts top players who have not only competitiveness but also love for their country. Everyone said that the only high-level world class race so far was the “World SUP Festival” in Spain. I passed the selection process and was selected for the Japan national team, which I had been dreaming of for a long time. That's why I went to Puerto Rico with a great responsibility and determination to carry the Japanese flag on my back. This is my 7th international race events for this season, and I am especially glad that I was able to participate in the two races in ISA Puerto Rico and Spain. More than 90% of the SUP races in Japan are flat water, and in a word, they are “easy” water, where you can just paddle, but overseas there are many “difficult” waters that is always moving. Regardless of the results, being able to observe the movements of the international paddlers has been a wonderful experience and I feel that I am getting stronger and stronger each time. Since I was in the 3rd grade of elementary school(9years old), I have been racing for a place where strong players can gather. Rather than trying to win the championship in the same age class, I challenged to go up one level even though I knew I would lose. I've lost a lot actually. A lot of people around me said to me, "You're still a junior, so you should aim for the gold medal in the junior division. Why do you have to be an adult(Elite)?" At that time, I felt frustrated because I couldn't express my feelings. But now I know better and can say it clearly. If I had only competed safely in Japan and in the same age class, I would not have been able to achieve two world's gold medals this time. It's true that titles are important, but if you only focus on them, you'll lose even the chance to grow. I think the most important thing I learned from my father is fighting style and attitude. It is a spirit that never gives up and keeps trying even if people say it is reckless. This time, I understood well that high accuracy (technique) and physical strength of paddling are based on mind strength.
僕は漁師一家の孫として生まれました。幼少期の頃から家の前の海でサップの上から魚を捕ったり、小学2年生の頃からリーフの外の外洋に出て複雑な波の中で遊びながら自然と鍛えられたバランス力が最大の武器です。それとお父さんが小学生の頃から外洋に連れて行ってくれたことでいつも恐怖と向き合って心が自然と鍛えらてきました。これからは心肺機能や筋力が増えてきます。ここから数年でパワーは今より遥かに大きくなります。一番の敵は相手ではなく自分自身、これからも心の鍛錬が何よりも大事だとお父さんはいつも口にしています。 世界のエリート部門に挑戦し始めたのは去年の11月、僕は中学3年生15才でした。春から義務教育が終わり今回のISAで海外7戦目になります。これまで6戦はいつもどこかでパワー負けしてしまい優勝までは辿り着けませんでした。特に先月のAPPロンドンと韓国では旅の疲れと時差ボケで体調も万全ではなく本当に悔しい思いをしました。その後も常にお父さんと隣同士で基礎練習に取り組んできました。「体の大きい海外の選手にも必ず勝つことができる」と信じ続けた結果が、これまで日本人は誰も足元に及ばなかったマイケルやティトゥワンを相手に負けることなく世界一になれたのだと思います。今回、獲得した金メダル2個は不可能ではないと信じ続けてくれた家族、そして仲間たち全員の勝利です。僕がここまで夢を追い続けてこれたのは、僕が小さい頃から憧れてきたConnerやMicheal、Zane、Titoun、Kai、Noic、Auther、Daniel、Buruno、Danny、Travis、Casper、そしてCandice、彼ら伝説のパドラー達がいてくれたおかげです。また食事やマッサージ、レースの戦略、レース中のアドバイスなど沢山のことをしてくれたお父さんのお陰でレースに集中することができました。本当にありがとうございました。家族もみんなLIVEでレースを応援してくれありがとうございました。
I was born into a fishing family. Since I was a child, I have been catching fish from the SUP in the ocean in front of my house, and since I was in the second grade of elementary school, I have been outside the reef and playing at the deep open ocean. This is my biggest weapon. Also, since my father took me to the open sea since I was in elementary school, I have always faced my fears and my heart has been trained naturally. My body will grow a lot in the next few years.
"Your biggest enemy is not your opponent, but yourself" my father always says that training our mind is more important than anything else.
Until now, I've always lost power to international elite players and couldn't reach the championship. Especially in APP London and Korea last month, I was really frustrated because I was not in perfect physical condition due to travel fatigue and jet lag, and I lost my concentration during the race. After that, I always worked on basic practice next to my father and keep develop my efficient movements. As a result of continuing to believe that "we can definitely win against big paddlers,'' The two gold medals I won this time are a victory for all of my family and friends who have continued to believe that it is possible. I've been chasing my dreams so far because I've admired Conner, Micheal, Zane, Titouan, Kai, Noic, Author, Daniel, Bruno, Danny, Travis, Casper, and Candice. Thank you so much to the legendary paddlers. I was able to concentrate on the race thanks to my father, who helped me with meals, massages, race strategy, and advice during the race. I'm really thankful to you. Thank you to all my family for supporting the race on LIVE.
そして、いつもエールをくれる後援会の皆さんやスポンサーの方々、クラウドファンド支援者のみなさん応援ありがとうございました。これから負けても勝ってもたくさんのことを学んで、いつもオリンピック金メダルを目指して、まっすぐ漕ぎ続けていきたいと思います。APPワールドツアーもこれから後半戦がフランス、スペイン、サウジアラビアと続きます。後半は僕が大得意な激しく水が揺れるコンディションです。そして主催者のトリスタンはダウンウインドが期待きると公言しています。今回世界チャンピオンになったからといっても、あくまで僕は挑戦者の気持ちです。最後の最後まで諦めずに全力を尽くします。これからも応援よろしくお願いします。keep paddling.®︎ 荒木珠里
And thank you to all the supporters, sponsors, and crowdfund supporters who always cheer us on. From now on, whether I lose or win, I will keep learning, and I will always aim for the gold medal at the 2028 LA Olympics. The second half of the APP World Tour will continue with France, Spain, and Saudi Arabia. Even if I became the world champion this time, I still feel like a challenger. I will do my best without giving up until the very end.From now on, we look forward to your continual support. Thank you for your continued support. From now on, we look forward to your continual support.
keep paddling. Shuri(Shrimpy) Araki
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