Purpose: By paddling cross the islands of Okinawa, an archipelago prefecture, we connect people to people, islands to islands, past history and
future, and give people dreams and hopes. Contribute to natural environment protection and youth development through the spread of SUP.
2025 O2Y WINTER |
O2Y WINTER | Nago City, Okinawa Prefecture
[2025/3/22 (Sat.) ] Sprint race, Surf technical race, SUP POLO(beginner event)
[2025/1/23 (Sun.) ] Shrimpy Araki SUP Clinic
2025 O2Y SUMMER | OKINAWA YORON、沖縄県国頭村 〜 鹿児島県与論町
*賞金100万円 total prize 1
million yen
O2Y SUMMER | Kunigami Village, Okinawa Prefecture ~ Yoron Town, Kagoshima Prefecture
[2025/6/27~29 (Friday~Sunday)] Island Crossing, 30km downwind race
O2Yは夏至南風(カーチバイ)の季節に琉球の海人たちが島々を渡った歴史を現代によみがえらせるレースです。O2Yの”O”はOkinawa、そして”Y”は隣の与論島(YORON)そして沖縄「やんばる(YANBARU)」地方の頭文字です。2021年私たちは沖縄と与論島間の約30キロを人力で海峡縦断するレースを実現しました。沖縄が日本へ返還され50周年の節目を迎え、むかし国境があった北緯27度線を越え“沖縄と世界を美しい海で繋ぐ” という願いを込めて実現した壮大な挑戦でした。私たちKANAKA沖縄は沖縄本島内で10年間に渡りSUPレースを主催運営しながら、この美しい沖縄の海で青少年育成に努めてきました。そして昨年2022年11月この島から史上最年少のISA/国際サーフィン連盟、SUP世界チャンピオン荒木珠里(当時16才)が誕生。そして今年2024年には日本人初となるICF/国際カヌー連盟の金メダリストになり世界主要4団体を統一することができました。そして珠里が育った海に行ってみたいという海外選手の声が上がるようになりました。このような背景で今年から私たちが暮らす「やんばる」で島外選手や地元の子供達が楽しみながら交流できるファンイベントを開催し海外選手の受け入れも徐々にスタートします。そして大自然溢れる美しい海と森を世界へ届け、この素晴らしい環境を楽しみながら守っていくメッセージを発信します。
KANAKA沖縄 O2Y実行委員会
実行委員長 荒木汰久治
What's O2Y ?
O2Y is a special race for all Okinawan people that revives the history of the Ryukyu waterman crossing the islands during with seasonal summer breeze. In 2021, on the 50th
anniversary of the return of Okinawa to Japan, we hoped to cross the 27th parallel, where the national border used to be, to connect Okinawa and the world with beautiful seas, we have realized a
race that crosses the strait with SUP paddling for about 30 km between Okinawa and Yoron Island. It was an epic challenge. We, KANAKA Okinawa, have
been hosting and operating SUP races on the main island of Okinawa for 10 years. In the meantime, we have worked to spread SUP and educate children in the beautiful Okinawa ocean. And in
November 2022, Shuri Araki (16 years old, native Okinawan) reached the glory of the youngest ever ISA SUP world champion in the history book. And in 2024, he became the first Japanese sup paddler
to win at ICF/International Canoe Federation gold medal, unifying the four major world SUP organizations.(ISA/ICF/Euro Tour/APP) And there are now voices from overseas athletes who want to visit
ocean where Shuri grew up. So we started fan SUP events in Yanbaru, where we live, where
athletes from outside the island and local children can have fun and interact, and we will gradually begin accepting overseas paddler in the summer. We will deliver the beautiful ocean and
forests full of nature to the world, and send a message to protect this wonderful environment while enjoying it.
Lastly, SUP racing has become so popular around the world that it is said to be included in the Olympics. Okinawa, an island prefecture surrounded by the sea, is blessed with no sport like
Without the hard working local volunteers, the fisherman's family and sponsors, this race would not have been possible. Once again, I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest
KANAKA Okinawa O2Y committee/ race organiser
Takuji Araki