
This program is a training camp where you can learn and practice the Araki family's original paddling technic and training method, and to become a true waterman(champion) in the future.

Shuri Araki (16years old, 2022 ISA world)
Shuri Araki (16years old, 2022 ISA world)






2022 世界選手権、


2022 World Championships:

The youngest ever double champion at just 16 years old.

Our own "ORIGINAL" technique and training method. Extracting maximum power from a small body = Less strain on the body, less fatigue.


Shuri has been setting unprecedented records one after another since childhood, proving our original paddling technique to the world. He became the youngest world champion at 16 years old, and won the world championship twice in a row at 17 years old (winning two consecutive technical distance titles is unprecedented. This is the first record for a Japanese person.), and this year, 2024, he won the EURO Tour, the world's highest level, with a perfect record. His 50-year-old father, Takuji, also demonstrated at last month's O2Y that he has technic&endurance that rivals paddlers in their 20s and 30s.




2019, age 13

FOIL water start, already mastered switch stance.


期間:3泊4日 *事前にスケジュール調整が必要です。




Capacity : 1-2 people

Duration: 3 nights 4 days

location : Okinawa Island、Japan  ”Yanbaru area”

training contents : Down-wind SUP/FOIL, Flatwater paddling. 

price : 190,000Yen/person
* Schedule adjustments must be made at least 1-2 months in advance.

料金に含まれるもの: **要望があれば




・レンタルボード **

・那覇空港までの送迎 **



Price includes:  **only if needed.

3hours * 3days instruction (insurance)

3nights guest house (kitchen included, you can cook own food.)

Driver support for downwind practice

rental board **

Transportation to and from Naha Airport **

Price does not include

Round-trip airfare to Naha

our original training method.







We live right in front of the ocean. Shuri is the grandson of a true Okinawan fisherman who was born and raised in "Yanbaru area" (registered as a World Heritage Site)  He grew up at the "deep ocean" down-wind, not shallow ocean.


An important aspect of Less&Less Paddling is cherishing the beautiful Okinawa ocean and living a lifestyle that is kind to both the environment and the body.




インストラクター Instructor Profile

荒木珠里(あらきしゅり) / teamKANAKA所属 18才

Shuri Araki / TeamKANAKA Member, Age 18

沖縄生まれ、沖縄育ち。物心つく前から父の影響でSUPで海遊びを始め小学2年生の頃から家の目の前の外洋へ漕ぎ出した。史上最年少13才でM2O(モロカイ-オアフ32mile)世界選手権を初完漕、エリート部門6位。幼少期から国内外で様々な戦績を残し2021年7月にSUPの世界プロツアー「APP world tour」に史上最年少15才で選出され、初戦で総合三位に入る快挙。そして20224月高校入学と同時にプロ活動開始、同年11月 ISA世界選手権にて史上最年少16才で世界チャンピオン、テクニカルとディスタンスで史上初の二冠に輝いた。2023年も同大会にて二連覇二冠という前代未聞の快挙を達成。2024年EuroTour世界ツアーでは史上初の全勝優勝を飾った。幼少の頃から天性の才能で、しなやかで力強い漕ぎは今世界から注目の的となっている。

Born and raised in Okinawa. He started playing in the sea with SUP under the influence of his father before he could remember, and started paddling in the open ocean in front of his house when he was in the second grade of elementary school. At age 13, he became the youngest person ever to complete the M2O (Molokai-Oahu 32 mile) World Championships for the first time, placing 6th in the elite division. He was selected as the youngest 15-year-old SUP world professional tour "APP world tour", and achieved placing 3rd overall in the first race(Carolina cup GRAVEYARD 20km). He started high school and professional career in 2022 spring. In the fall of 2022, he became the youngest ISA World Champion in the history(16), and in 2023 he achieved an unprecedented feat of winning two titles in a row. In 2024, he became the first man in history to win the EuroTour with a perfect win record. Since his childhood, his natural talent has attracted attention from all over the world for his supple and powerful movements. 

Shuri "Shrimpy" Araki

 荒木汰久治(あらきたくじ)50才 / Kanaka沖縄主宰

Takuji Araki / 50, Kanaka Okinawa organiser


Born in Kumamoto Prefecture. He has participated in the world's highest strait crossing race "Molokai Challenge", surf skiing, canoeing, prawn paddleboarding, SUP, foiling, and has participated in 35 times. In Japan, he won the All Japan Championships in lifesaving, SUP, and different sports. At the age of 41, he was the oldest to win the All Japan SUP Championship. He visited Okinawa for the first time in 2003 and built a house on the northern coast of Okinawa's main island, surrounded by nature. This is his 10th year hosting the KANAKA Okinawa SUP event. Currently, he is coaching and instructing children and elite paddlers, including his son Shuri. (current 4*times SUP world champion.)

Takuj Araki

2024 O2Y(沖縄-与論)


2024 O2Y (Okinawa-Yoron 30km)

He won by an overwhelming margin at age 18. His father, Takuji, was runner-up at age 50.

ビデオ Movies

SUP初心者対象の教室はこちら Click here for SUP classes for beginners.